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Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:33 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio Casablanca 1.5e software


Post by wgrimes04 »

TRYING and and tried four times to use menu OFF button to exit and turn off Avio Casablanca v. 1.5e

i can disconnect AC pwr... obviously. but using sytem's off gives me a postcard size grey box with red outline. no warning message inside the box.

the drive is 59 percent full and contains one project i do not want to lose... a wedding.

fortunately it is edited out, but may want to change one sound track but hesitate for concerns of getting locked out of the project.

in advance, thanks for tips, etc. later. w.
Posts: 464
Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:06 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio, Solitaire, with OS 9.1 and S-6000 with Bogart 5 & all software
Location: Milan, Illinois


Post by jimmeeker »

Hello "W",

Welcome to the Casablanca forum. I hope we can solve your problem.....but it's been a very long time since I used my AVIO with V. 1.5 operating system. I'll try to remember what we used to do when the AVIO first came out over 10 years ago. We are up to version 8 now and there have been a lot of changes since those days.

If you have completed your editing of the wedding that you want to keep for possible changes later, make sure to copy it out to tape before you try to correct your shut off problem. It would be best to copy it out to digital tape by sending it to a digital camcorder or desktop digital 8 or mini DV recorder.

Now that you have saved your project, you can shut the machine off at any time by merely holding down the power button for about 10 seconds and the unit will shut down internally. This works like the three finger salute on a computer by pressing Control, Alt, and Delete all at the same time, which causes a computer to shut down.

If powering it down by this method works ok and it reboots alright the next time you turn it on, then you are probably ok.

However, being an electronic animal, it might continue to give you trouble. If this is the case, you should consider reloading the operating system by doing a complete full destructive install and not just an update installation. The complete install wipes the hard drive totally clean and erases everything. All the music that you have stored will be gone, all the add on programs will be gone and need to be re-installed, and the archived colors and titles will be wiped out......BUT the corruption that caused your problem will have been erased as well.

So when you re-install your operating system from your Smart Card, it'll be there in pristine condition like it was many years ago. If you do an "Update" which saves all your previous work but doesn't clean the hard drive, much of the corruption is merely left in there and your problems will still be lurking there to come back to haunt you in the future.

So, with your wedding safely copied to Digital tape so you can put it back if you need to later.

When you do the re-install Say "NO" to the question that asks you if you want to do an install that saves your work and instead go on to the next question that asks if you want to completely erase everything and then say "YES" and it'll wipe your drive clean. Then re-install the operating system software and also all the other programs that you might have added to your AVIO.

Good luck, and please write again and let us know how this worked out for you.
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

Founder of the
"March Get Together"

We Remember
12-7-41 and 9-11-01
Milan, Illinois
S-6000 w/Bogart 5 /Solitaire, Avio DVD / All Software OS 9.1/ Panasonic HMC150p AVCHD Camcorder
Posts: 118
Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:59 am
Casablanca Unit: Kron Plus(NTSC) OS 6.2c/Arabesk 2/3, LaCie FWHD, most software; Sony PD-150s


Post by JPaul »

Jim's info is excellent.

When you reload your saved project, you will get one scene that will need to be re-split as needed for reediting. All audio tracks will now be merged into the 1st track. You can mute this track and add other audio.

If I recall, you must also set up your projects in varying quality modes. The highest quality will allow you to upload and download via firewire without degradation.

This is the machine and OS I started with in 2000 but, like Jim said, it's been a long time!
Paul Tessier - Northern Virginia
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