Button text without the square border

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Button text without the square border

Post by methuenbill »

I am trying to put text on the start screen. i would like to be able to put just text without the border.I have done it before but lost the arabesk menu screen that I had used as a template. You would think it would be easy to do this.
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Re: Button text without the square border

Post by TimKennelly »

Choose No Button and set the Border to zero.

Also, in the bottom selection set the indicators for Text or Underline.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: Button text without the square border

Post by CasablancaExpert »

To clarify (for others who might be reading and less sure of the conversation here)... I believe you asked how to set up this function in your DVD Arabesk Main Menu.

In addition to Tim's astute reply, I would also suggest ensuring your Shadow is set to '0'. If you are creating a menu where you want one button to be different than the rest on-screen (I have done this in several of my Casablanca Expert Tutorial DVDs) you will have an easier time of it when you set-up the look of the global (all other buttons) first, then in the Settings button under the Arabesk Title Menu menu switch 'Apply button attributes to all' to off by removing the check-mark.

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Button text without the square border

Post by methuenbill »

I tried the suggestions but there is a dashed line all around the button. It makes the button look like crap.
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Re: Button text without the square border

Post by TimKennelly »


Are you referring to while you are in the Menu creation field?

I know it signifies which button you are on with the dashes so you know which button you are on (even if there is only one.

Try switching to Text (background, not button) and see if the "dashes" go away.

If so, then they are simply there while in the Menu creation screen so you know what button you are "working" on and will not be there when you actually burn the DVD.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:08 am
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca Studio Pro (unable to use with latest software) The old reliable S6000 still working and using till Studio Pro works. Avio DVD, IMac, Panasonic AG-AC30, 3 Panasonic AG-UG90 last Bogart software and Arabesk release
Location: Methuen, MA

Re: Button text without the square border

Post by methuenbill »

Thanks for your help
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