envelope changes

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envelope changes

Post by videojim »

When I am in the mix window, I highlight the scene I am trying to change a level in, but in the envelope window, it always shows a different scene! How do I get the envelope to edit the scene I have highlighted?
Skype ID-talkingrock756
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Location: Boston, MA

Re: envelope changes

Post by CKNewman »

When you are in the Mix window you need to make sure that the sample in the audio track is highlighted. Under the scenes on the timeline are 6 audio tracks. First you need to make sure that the audio track that contains the sample you want to work on is highlighted. You can left click on any of the tracks represented by a blue line or click on one of the buttons in the vertical row to the right of the tracks.

If you want to work on the samples that were recorded by the camera along with your footage then make sure that the camera track is activated. It will have brighter shades of blue when it is active and be "ghosted" when another track is active. Left click on the sample you wish to work on and it will become a bit darker to show you have selected it. You can even click on the Play arrow to the right of the slider to make sure you've chosen the right sample.
Craig Newman
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Re: envelope changes

Post by videojim »

Thanks, CK. Yeah, as usual, my impatient self went looking for an answer to that one right after I posted the question. I think you may mean highlighting the scene, while in the correct sound track. Those little arrows pointing one way or the other finally made sense. That's what I use to get to the right scene. It finally made sense.
Skype ID-talkingrock756
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Casablanca Unit: S3000, S4000 PRO, Renommee Plus

Re: envelope changes

Post by CasablancaExpert »

To add to the (correct) comments shared by Craig - when I am teaching folks in the Audio Mix menu I encourage them to look at the bottom right corner. This shows the name of the audio sample you have selected (and will modify/change). It is easy to have a scene clicked on (and in the Storyboard) but an entirely different audio sample selected for envelope, volume, etc that you are changing.

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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