Dallas Casablanca Events 2010: Wrap-up

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Dallas Casablanca Events 2010: Wrap-up

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Thanks again to those who participated in the Dallas 2010 Casablanca Workshop & Conference. We enjoyed great food and fellowship/networking, learned a bunch of new tips & operations and got our hands and eyes on some new equipment. I have a wrap-up of each day of the Conference as well as a summary of the week on my free Casablanca Expert Blog - click here

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Location: cuyahoga Falls Ohio

Re: Dallas Casablanca Events 2010: Wrap-up

Post by Lowell »

It was a great time in Big D. Learned a lot, great food, great fellowship even some new equipment purchased. Thanks again Chet, Bobbie, Ken, and Seth for putting it on and sharing ideas and shortcuts. Can't wait to see music video that Bobbie is putting together (I think her camera is an extension of her arm) Make plans to be there next year and also the MGT both are great........ :D
Lowell Brockway email: justperfectvideo@sbcglobal.net 330-922-5606
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Re: Dallas Casablanca Events 2010: Wrap-up

Post by Bobbie »

Lowell: 'my right arm does not have a camera attached but does have velcro on it' 8-) ..............but that was the only way to get all the shots of you! :lol:

Attending Chet's sessions at Dallas Conference proved to be a great learning for me. :idea:

Not only did I learn procedures with software I was not comfortable with like CANDY FACTORY,TITLE STUDIO, TWIXTOR, THE EXTREMENLY FAST EDITING WITH THE MARK AND

,etc...........but the information went 'beyond that' to disclosing 'secrets, on how to make certain software work better with certain settings and even EASTER EGGS' [/i]in our own

system that I would of NEVER KNOWN without 'Chet's guidance' to where these things are hidden at!!!! By Chet sharing 'his trial and error efforts' we learned what settings make,

exact steps to transfer between PCs and Cassie units, how to improve our own webpages, send our storyboard and other large files to customers, and the enormous uses of CUSTOM

IMAGES that will help me tremendously. I am very glad I went and thankful for Chet's offer to teach us!
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Re: Dallas Casablanca Events 2010: Wrap-up

Post by videojim »

Lowell, every time I looked at her arm, there was a lens sticking out of it, with hood attached, I swear! Bobbie, ya gotta see a doc about that, lol
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Re: Dallas Casablanca Events 2010: Wrap-up

Post by ASHampton »

Wow! What a week! I would like to take a moment to say thanks to all who attended and presented.

Chet Davis...I don't know where to start. I could not ask for a better friend. Without you, this type of event would not be possible! You are one of the best teachers that i have ever seen! If you have not had the pleaseure of attending one of Chet's workshops...Please do! You can't help but learn!

To Bobbie Evoy, I was really blown away with your BlueBox session! You are one of the most creative Cassie users around! Also Bobbie donated a very nice Proc Amp as one of the door prizes! Thanks!

Ken Smithers Took us through a great ProShow demo! It was a great asset to to the event. Everyone was Was very impressed at the ease of use and commented that it was presented well. Ken also showed up early on Monday and helped me to get things setup for later in the week. Thanks!

Macrosystem U.S.. As a reseller who deals with many...many products, i can honestly say say that Macrosystem is at the top of the list of folks to work with! The whole crew over there is awesome! Eric Kloor took time out of his busy schedule to stop in and share some great inside info on the company. Thanks again Eric. Macrosystem also donated the first S3000 to be shipped in the U.S. as the grand prize! Justin "the man" Philpott took some great images of the new S3000/S6000 for us to show and talk about. Thanks Justin.

Thanks to Mr. Dambrova from Canon and Mr. Caves from Bogen! They both showed up with some Awesome product for folks to drool over!

Great Adventures Resort on the island of Bonaire donated 3 free nights when you book 4 at the resort! An $1800.00 value! Thanks!

To Lowell, Mike and Chet for sticking around and helping teardown and get things loaded. Thanks!

And last but certainly not least....to all who took time out, spent money to travel and stay and pitched in to help out. I was able to see old friends and make new ones, its always wonderful to get together in this capacity. Thanks! I feel very blessed to work for a great company CAM Audio, Inc. A special thanks for allowing me to have these shows.

We look forward to the next time that we meet...Until then...

Seth Hampton
Seth Hampton
Casablanca Gold Star Dealer
Tundra Video LLC
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