what's goin wrong?

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what's goin wrong?

Post by videojim »

I am trying to make a music video, and am nearly finished with it, but now for some very fancy mousework. I want to separate five beats near the end of the song, so they have their own scene. Have such tight time they are only frames apart. These 5 beats actually finish off the song, but the last one is longer than the rest, like a few seconds. Song is 2 minutes and nearly a half long, and have had the starting beat be the start of the song, which I don't want. How do you mark these beats off to be where they need to be in the song? Watched the "editing to the beat" video, and thought that would be sufficient training, but it wasn't.
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Re: what's goin wrong?

Post by TimKennelly »


You can Split audio, just like Video so you can see in the Audio Menu exactly where the video will be in relationship to the audio and work accordingly.

You can also do this in a similar fashion to edit to the beat in terms of Splitting the audio and causing it to create Scenes of the splits that are sent to the Storyboard where you can use the Insert function to place the video over them exactly.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: what's goin wrong?


I make a scene of the audio & do exactly as Tim says...I will cut the scene in tiny little pieces then just insert a scene with the same length...
I find this a more precise way of editing to the beat.
Now if you want precise transitions in between scenes it can be a little more trickier but very doable.
Say you have 2 musical beat scenes, the first one is 3 seconds and you would like a 1 sec crossfade...
make sure your scene is 4sec long then when you add the 1 sec transition your scene is 3 sec again !
You could also make cool transitions using Image Process... if you have a 3 sec scene...
select an effect like for "GLOW" for instance then insert the effect on the scene and trim it down to the last 15 frames or whatever set to IN.
Then insert "GLOW" into the next scene and trim it down to the first 15 frames set to OUT.

I hope this makes sense to you lol
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Re: what's goin wrong?

Post by Bobbie »

You may also look over the MUSIC VIDEO STEPS FLYER that was passed out in Dallas, as it has all of the steps I use to make a Music Video 8-) including the same process Tim and Syl like to use by starting with the music first.
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