Re-formatting Power Point Presentations for Avio

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Re-formatting Power Point Presentations for Avio

Post by KimSWilliamson »

Hope Everyone had a great Thanksgiving (for US users!)

I need help figuring out how to get a powerpoint presentation into Avio, without losing resolution.

The problem has been that when re-formatting PowerPoint into jpgs, some of the images and text lose a lot of quality, the customer sent them back to me for that reason.

The text seems to be degenerated when reformatted into jpgs. I have been told that re-formatting PowerPoint slides into other formats is tricky without losing quality (resolution).

The images (landscape scenes, rivers, etc.) are fine, it is the text that degnerates.

Yes, the original slides were made in Power Point. Photos of landscapes with titling and text
Yes, I did try reformatting directly from Power Point into jpgs within the Power Point Program.

Would it help to run the images into Adobe Photo Shop after converting them into jpgs? If so, what resolution should I convert each image to from Adobe Photoshop before trying to get it into Avio?
(My Renomee is in the shop, for no output, but they say it is working fine????? go figure!)

Lou Bruno gave me some advice about this years ago, but can't find that thread, maybe b/c forum took out old threads, don't know for sure.

Should I save images onto CD? or sd card? This borrowed AVIO does not have Disc Transfer or Photo Studio, just basic functions.

Many thanks, Kim Williamson
Blue Goose Productions
Comfort, TX

Anyone else have this problem with resolution when reformatting a Power Point Presentation?
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Re: Re-formatting Power Point Presentations for Avio

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Kim,

Yes, the JPEG file/s can provide less than desired results - especially when working with a text/title on a PowerPoint Slide. I would instead recommend exporting the PPT show directly out of your computer and into your Casablanca as outlined in this article on my website: Importing or using Power Point files with your Casablanca

Hope that helps!

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Re-formatting Power Point Presentations for Avio

Post by KimSWilliamson »


Thank you so much.

This has been a thorn in my side for weeks, trying to get at least 70 or so PP slides to re-format without noticible degeneration. I have tried every possible way I could think of.

By the way, My Renommee went ka-put a few weeks ago, no output at all, it would boot up, but just black screen with no video output. I used different cables, monitors, re-booted, unplugged overnight, tried all the usual rule out possibilities.

Sent it to Macrosystems, and the techie there, Chuck, said it is working perfectly??????

I am afraid to send it back to me and find no output again!

Anyway, they still have it there. Any troubleshooting ideas?

I will renew my membership with your expert club very soon.

Thank you again.
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Re: Re-formatting Power Point Presentations for Avio

Post by BobFoster »

Kim, also be aware that some producers of Power Point do not know how to layout a page for use in video. Obviously a video image at 720 x 480 pixels is going to look really bad when compared to a computer display of 1440 x 900 pixels. This especially so for text. Text should be bold style fonts with less than a dozen words per line. Color is also a contributing factor. Red text on a blue background is going to be unreadable even on the front row of a meeting room. Other color combinations can be equally bad. Don't assume that the problem is yours. The best conversion is to use a VGA video scan converter and record directly into your Avio. Next best is to shoot the frames directly from a computer LCD screen. Nothing is going to make a poorly designed Power Point look good on video. Nothing you do is going to make video text look nearly as good as a computer display.
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