Text Insertion Causes System Crash

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Text Insertion Causes System Crash

Post by roncamp »

This is a carryover from the old forum. I got some tips from Chet on how to insert the libretto (lyrics) into a musical performance:

Go into your Titling menu, add the effect to the SB and enter edit text, creating what you want to appear on-screen... then click ok and click on the Time (duration, length) to the top left just under the Storyboard (which actually can be done before or after the Enter/Edit Text function).

Click on 'Range (in the Duration menu) and adjust the In and Out points so your title (libretto) appears just over the portion of the video you wish is to. Then you must click on Scene and select 'Effect+Scenes' and ensure that 'Create Scene in Storyboard' is checked. This will create your title effect and 'imbed' it into your entire 55:00 video.

I have been able to get the text into the video using this method, but about every third time I complete a caption I get the message "An unrecoverable problem occured. The system will restart." After the system restarts I go back to work until it happens again.

Any ideas what is causing this?
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