video Business card

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video Business card

Post by flvideo »

I have a customer that wants a video business card. My supplier has a mini cd with 200MB capacity. Does any one have any experience in this area? Will my cassie record on this small disc and will it record video on a CD? Thanks in advance. Bob......
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Re: video Business card

Post by JBrooks »

I have created video business cards several times on the Casablanca. I have never tried to "master" the "mini" DVD itself in the Cassie, but I produced the master with a standard size disc, then duplicated to mini discs from my 1-7 duplicator tower. I used pro-grade mini-DVDs to mass produce.

Joel Brooks
MIT Video Productions
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Location: Boston, MA

Re: video Business card

Post by CKNewman »

I remember a few years back there CD business cards that might have text, video, and one or more links to the business website.

It sounds like you're talking about a short video demo/presentation on a mini-dvd that would not include a link to a website. It's interesting to see what's out there when you do a search on "video business card".
Craig Newman
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Re: video Business card

Post by flvideo »

Joel or Craig, the cd's I am looking to use say they hold 200MB. How does that convert to time. Also I was intnding to provide a link to the Customers web site as well as Video of his operation along with music and voice over. I was planning on mastering on a standard DVD and puting it on a mini. The question is can I go from a DVD to a CD? I guess I can find another supplier for the mini's. My supplier doesn't cary DVD's only CD's. What is the average cost of the mini DVD;s each? Thanks Bob...
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Re: video Business card

Post by BobFoster »

Bob, since your are linking to the customers website, It might work well to put the other operation video, music and voice over on a link of the website rather than trying to squeeze it on the mini DVD/CD. You could include a lot of still shots, text and links on a mini CD which are very inexpensive. Just a thought :) FYI, an 800mb CD holds about 20 min of .avi SD video.
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Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector
Location: Boston, MA

Re: video Business card

Post by CKNewman »

I don't think you understood what I was referring to when I wrote " or more links to the business website." This is code authored into the CD business card so that when the CD business card is played back in computer, the viewer can click on a link which will open that computer's browser and go directly to the business website. I am not aware of any MacroSystem programs that do this.
Craig Newman
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Re: video Business card

Post by BobFoster »

Right Craig,
I used a program a few years ago called "Visual Composer". It would build a CD business card that showcased your company and would imbed links to any website you wanted and also permitted direct sending of emails for further inquiry from your computer. The CD could also include several minutes of video. I just looked it up and apparently it has been gobbled up by some larger firm that now specializes in web design. Their website was;
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Re: video Business card

Post by flvideo »

You are right Craig, I misunderstood what you said. That would be a neat option to offer. Is ther software available for the PC that would do that? Thanks Bob...
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Re: video Business card

Post by BobFoster »

I haven't used the Visual Composer for several years. When it first came out, there were a fairly limited number of computer screen resolutions. The software was only compatible with one particular resolution for designing the CD. It became problematic with the plethora of screen formats and resolutions, so I stopped using it. There may be other similar programs available now, if you were to Google it.
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