Horizontal Scrolling title

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Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by GregB »

Im trying to horizontally scroll a title through the entire 50 minute segment of a state of the city address so people who are watching can tell what it is when they tune in on cable. Also is there a way to adjust the speed of the scroll?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Greg
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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by TimKennelly »

The speed of the scroll is directly related to the amount of contents and duration that you have it on the screen.

Using Range to shorten the duration it is on the screen will speed up the scroll and visa versa.
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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by IanPearson »

Just to elaborate a little on Tim’s reply, if your 50min film is one scene and you apply the scrolling title to this scene, it will take 50mins to scroll across. If I have understood you correctly, this is not what you want.

You could as Tim says use the range to shorten this down to say 1min, but it will only scroll for 1min in the range you choose. If I understand your requirement, you want the message to scroll repeatedly through the 50mins, in which case the easiest method is to spit your scene up into say 50 1min sections and apply the same scrolling title to each of the 1 min scenes.

If you do the titling on the first scene and then use the "Add" after you have finished the titling, it will save the message you have just written, so when you go to the next scene it will default to the last entry. This way you do not have to write out the message each time. If you go into the titling use the "add", then do the titling, when you go ontothe next scene it will default to what was there before and you will therefore need to enter the wording again

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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by ChrisStone »

To add to what Tim said;
If you want to have your title scroll continuously throughout the 50 minutes (called a "crawl") try this;

Split your finished clip into ten five minute sections and put them all up on the story board

Go to titling and on your first five minute scene add the horizontal scroll

Type in your title, then add spaces until the end of your title is almost off screen (on the left)

Now type your title again, add spaces, etc. Repeat this several times.

Since I dont know how long your title is, you'll have to experiment with how many times you add your title, then

preview your title until the crawl timing is right for you.

Once you've got the timing right on your first 5 minute scene, simply add the same effect to your other 9 scenes and render.


Or you could do what Ian said :lol:
Chris Stone
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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by IanPearson »

Thanks Chris, I just beat you to the punch line. At least we did say the same thing.

Whilst I am on, the part about doing the title first and then the “Add” will not only save the text, but if you have used a box and positioned it say at the bottom, this also will be repeated.

Therefore in this case all you need to do is to first add all the split scenes to the story board, go into "Titling", do not click “Add” at this stage, go into "Enter/edit text" add your text and size/position the box then click "Add". Now still in titling, go to the next scene and “Add”, move to the next scene and "Add" again, etc. You can then do a batch render and the whole operation is quite quick.

You could also “Archive” the first title and use this function, but it actually takes longer since you will need to go into the titles (enter/edit text) for each scene, which is a couple of extra steps per scene.

A batch render can be done from the “finish” screen.

Incidentally, I was incorrect in one fact, there is no range function, as such, in the titling effect. There is a "Range" function in the "scene" making function, but this is not quite the same thing.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by TimKennelly »

Unless I am misunderstanding your statement Ian, the Range function does work in the Titler.

You click on the duration window (just like when using it in Scene, IP Effects, etc.), scroll down to Range and use it.

I answered the how and why of scrolling speed, but I see I did miss finishing up with how to make it repeat throughout the fifty minute flick. :?

Similar to what Ian and Chris stated, I would use the Range function as previously mentioned to tweak/decide the desired scrolling speed, then Remove the Title, Use Split to segment the Scene into segments of the duration you found ideal using Range, continually scrolling to that duration and choosing Use until there was no more Scene left and place those sequentially up on the Storyboard and then just Add the Title to each.

Both the adding the Scene segments to the Storyboard and adding the Title to the individual Scene segments can be done very easily and quickly with PowerKey if you own it.

The I would suggest using the Scene function to make a Scene of the entire segmented Storyboard.

This will render all the individual Title segments permanently and get you back to one Scene with the Title repeating the scrolling which is what you said you wanted.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by IanPearson »

No Tim, it is not your misunderstanding, it was me trying to do several things at once, I am not a natural multi tasker. This is a function I have used many times and it somehow escaped me in my later posting. :oops:

As Tim says, if you click on the time duration button, which is left, just below the story board, it opens a window where the start, finish or range of the titling can be defined.

However, Greg, if you require a continuous scroll throughout the 50mins, this is purely academic.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: Horizontal Scrolling title

Post by GregB »

Thanks everyone for the help!
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