MGT Dates Set for 2012

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Location: Milan, Illinois

MGT Dates Set for 2012

Post by jimmeeker »


MGT Will be March 5th through the 8th of 2012.
This will be the 8th year for the MGT. I can't believe it has been going on so long.

So please make notations on your calendars. We have never had the plans laid out so far in advance as this before. So, there is plenty of time to plan around the 8th Annual MGT. There shouldn't be any reason to say you didn't have time to plan for it.

You have to be here for this one.

For those who were at this year's know we had to make some decisions about next year. In light of the economy and other changes that happened at the last minute....which threw us for a loop, we had a very serious talk from the stage on wednesday evening, where and when we found new strength and enthusiam and the guts to forge on....we have risen up and are on the way to stunning changes in the MGT.

From that time on the stage looking out over the faces of all the attendees, I gained a sense of what had to be done, and from that crowd of faces rose a small group of friends who have begun to weave their magic with such new life that I have become convinced that this new enterprise will surprise, amaze and satisfy everyone.

This will be the most exciting and different MGT ever. New everything. DO NOT MISS ATTENDING THE 8TH ANNUAL MGT
next March 5th through the 8th of 2012. You won't recognize it.

OK you can start guessing now. But we'll have more news later.
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

Founder of the
"March Get Together"

We Remember
12-7-41 and 9-11-01
Milan, Illinois
S-6000 w/Bogart 5 /Solitaire, Avio DVD / All Software OS 9.1/ Panasonic HMC150p AVCHD Camcorder

Re: MGT Dates Set for 2012

Post by kensmithers »

Jim, count me IN! I am excited to hear what the changes are going to be for the 2012 March Get Together. I am also excited to be the Macrosystem Dealer at the conference as well. Come see the new machines and use them during the conference. THANKS for continuing this Jim. This has been a HUGE boost for my business with everything I learn. THANKS
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Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:24 am
Casablanca Unit: Renommee Plus

Re: MGT Dates Set for 2012

Post by yennyb »

This letter is being sent to Jim Meeker and Cassie Tips, and Macrosystem's Casablanca Forum.

Jim Meeker is to be congratulated for single handedly keeping his brainchild, the wonderful March Get Togethers, alive, and for each year finding new ways and means to make each convention better than the previous year.
His MGT is the Macrosystem event of the year, and I encourage every Cassie member to try his and her best to attend this event. Regretably, for various reasons, I haven't been able to attend the recent conventions, but the ones I have attended in the past, have been most enjoyable, both for the technical expertise of the presenters, and for the camaraderie between fellow members who we often get to meet for the first time in person, and often build up lasting friendships with. (Sorry if I ended a sentence with a proposition !)
I'm one of those who attend from Toronto, Canada, and I have seen a sprinkling of other Canadians there from time to time. I'd love to see some British members attending, including Beachy, who has often threatened to attend, but of course, the cost of travelling, and often health issues have prevented many overseas members from attending.
This new venue that Jim mentions sound exciting, and I know I will try my utmost to attend this event in March 2012.
Everybody, raise your glasses to Jim Meeker.

Len Vine
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Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:24 am
Casablanca Unit: Renommee Plus

Re: MGT Dates Set for 2012

Post by yennyb »

I just registered for the MGT.
Beachy, any chance of making it ?
Posts: 464
Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:06 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio, Solitaire, with OS 9.1 and S-6000 with Bogart 5 & all software
Location: Milan, Illinois

Re: MGT Dates Set for 2012

Post by jimmeeker »


If you have already registered Please ignore this message

Yes, that's right. In just "Three" weeks the deadline for saving $75.00 on the registration fee for the next "March Get Together" will end. The deadline is September 30th 2011.

We are way ahead of last year's planning for the MGT. It's in a new and exciting location with lots of fun built in. There will be new and different speakers showing us all kinds of wonderful things to make our shooting and editing better, and also how to make our businesses more successful.

The lunches are included in the price of the MGT and this time, you get to choose what you want to eat each day from a Las Vegas style operation.

We really want you to be able to take advantage of these savings. We have advertised much earlier than usual this year so that you could get all set before the Holiday Season gets in the way. It also makes it a little easier for me, the guy who is sticking his neck out to make this event signing contracts to pay out thousands of dollars.....based on the knowledge that the Casablanca Users' Community will be supporting the MGT once again.

We are working on having the best vendor's support that we have ever had. There will be a very large vendor's area right next to our meeting room. They are being invited to be on hand all three full days, and some may even put on programs for us.

The very successful "Video Yard Sale" will be held and made even more interesting and organized. It was a great success this year but we have learned from that experience. We now know how to do it even better and make it an even more valuable part of the March Get Together.

To save the $75.00....go to the MGT web site at and click on "Find Out More" then after you have read all about the 2012 MGT, click on "Register Now" fill in the form, and mail it to me along with your check for the discounted price, or click on the "Pay Pal" buttons to take care of it that way........then here is the important thing. Print out the form and mail it to me. If you pay by check or by Pay Pal, I need the printed hard copy of the form in my possession for the IRS and general accounting purposes.

Here are a few things to look forward to at the 2012 MGT.
The Video Yard sale
Introduction to Speed Edit ( a computer software that allows time-line and storyboard editing)
Smart things to do to make money in a changing economy. ( Who doesn't need this in today's market place )
Video for business - services that you can offer that will revolutionize your business - and that of the business you are serving.
How to re-purpose your video for marketing and networking
A look at Adobe Premiere Pro & A Brief description and display of Adobe After Effects
Then it’s on to basic editing techniques using time-line editing and storyboard editing as well.
A brief look at the eye candy program called Aftereffects and look at a few samples.

Three weeks and the $75.00 savings goes away. Please join me again in March.

See you soon,
Jim Meeker
"The Old Timer"
Founder Of The
March Get Together, For All Video Users
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

Founder of the
"March Get Together"

We Remember
12-7-41 and 9-11-01
Milan, Illinois
S-6000 w/Bogart 5 /Solitaire, Avio DVD / All Software OS 9.1/ Panasonic HMC150p AVCHD Camcorder
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