Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

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Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

Post by JohnKleban »

Hi All,

Just testing out an S series machine and doing a quick ceremony edit. To simplify my problem, here is my issue broken down...

I have 6 scenes in my audio mix window
I have 2 additional audio tracks placed below (one from a podium, the other from a lapel mic on the groom)

My issue, is as I am going over these 6 scenes, each to determine which audio track I want to use under it, when I click on the other audio track to here it for that scene (say track 2, my podium mic), it isn't playing that, instead, it just keeps playing the default main track that is attached to all the scenes when it was mixed via Quadcam. Thus, I can't hear my other two options - this sucks. Oddly, I can highlight these other tracks so you think you'd hear them then, but it just isn't playing that source, just the audio that is part of the scene that was there to begin with. I don't recall seeing any know issues about this, or is this some bug?

All I can think of at this point, is to render the tracks all as they are; then go scene by scene and play with adjusting each track and then render it, then check it, etc. - kind of a pain.

Anyone have this issue? Is there something I need to select or de-select differently? This unit has Bogart 4.1c on it.

John Kleban
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Re: Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

Post by CasablancaExpert »

John - that's not an issue I have heard of. To clarify - you've clicked on a supplemental audio sample you've added and are now viewing in the Audio Mix Menu, right? For example I have a song titled 'Track 41' that sits in track 3 (Music 1). If I want to hear just that audio sample, I click on the playback button (triangle) in the bottom left corner of the menu - next to the name of that track 'Track 41'. Is that what you're doing and it's playing the camera track instead?
Chet Davis
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Re: Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

Post by JohnKleban »

Hi Chet,

Close. I did see that button and yes, that does just as you said; but plays that track from the begining.

In my case, what I always did on my Prestige in the Audio Mix window, is I would lay down 3-4 additional tracks under the storyboard scenes (I already split my scenes in the normal video edit area as to where I know I will want to either change an audio source, or perhaps lower or increase the current default audio source; so, a ceremony might have 12-20 scenes spread across in my audio mix window). Then, with my additional audio tracks below, as I work my way through the service and adjust the scenes' audio level, or perhaps select track 2, 3 or 4, etc., I'd always just hit that track with the cursor (which highlights it), then hit the play button that is above the word "create" - that play button on Smart Edit would then just play the track I highlighted only; so I could then see if I liked that track for that scene, or I could click on track 3 with the cursor, then hit that play button above the word "create" and see if I liked this track better, and so forth. Thus, able to preview in a sense, that track I just highlight to the scene above it; right now, I can't do that, as all that will playback is the default audio track that is locked to the scene from an early Quadcam edit. Make sense?
John Kleban
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Re: Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

Post by JohnKleban »

In your case Chet, with Track 41 in slot 3; say you have 12 scenes across the top and you just wanted to consider if you wanted to have this track 41 only come in on scenes (oh, say 3 and 9 out of your 12 across) - but, you're not quite sure; so, you have scene 3 in the active box up top and you then click on your track 3, then hit the play button over on the right (mid-way down) because you want to see what part of the song hits during scene 3; and based on that, perhaps you'll just mute that song for that scene. The only problem is, despite you having highlighted that track, when you hit that play button I mentioned, you're only hearing your original background track; NOT track 3 featuring your song Track 41; thus, you don't know if you want to use that song during that part or not.

I hope that makes sense.
John Kleban
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Re: Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Gotcha - yes that makes sense John. You want to play the audio sample while reviewing the video to ensure it 'fits' best. I believe what you're running up against is the fact that the newer OS affords us RealTime Audio playback.... the audio you've added is 'instantly' mixed with the other tracks and available for preview/review. In older versions (and Smart Edit versions) we could click on a sample and it would only play that track back as it had to be rendered to hear. Now, we have the ability to hear the whole mix instantly without rendering. (though we must still create or render prior to export to DVD or finalize out to a file. I _think_ that's what we're dealing with here... but perhaps folks have a different idea.

Chet Davis
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Re: Audio Mix Issue - Help Please

Post by JohnKleban »

Exactly Chet. Perhaps now the option is to hit the MUTE button off on the left of each track other than the one I want to hear? Seems like a little bit of extra work to me; does anyone really want to keep the full mix of what they put down? I'd bet most lay down additional tracks with the intent of using two or more sometimes, yet, perhaps only one track for a certain scene, etc. Looks like one feature I'd miss.
John Kleban
Special Event Video

SE 7 / Sony FX1 Cameras
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