which format is better, avchd?

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which format is better, avchd?

Post by johno »

Just got back from NAB and i'm thinking about buying a sony camcorder that uses avchd, is there a format that works better with the bogart system? the camera i'm thinking about buying is the Sony hxr-nx5u. is anyone is using this camera with bogart? thanks
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Re: which format is better, avchd?

Post by methuenbill »

I have had the same camera for a year. I have yet to import a HD file without problems. The 4000 will split your file and drap a few frames in between, if you can import it at all.
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Re: which format is better, avchd?

Post by johno »

thanks for the info, maybe i should be looking for a different camera. do you think it's becuase of the avchd format and do you have any suggestions for a camera that works with bogart? thank you for your reply. John
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Re: which format is better, avchd?

Post by CKNewman »

The Sony nx5u was the subject of a thread on the Cassie Tips List. I'm re-posting what was written, without the names. I think MacroSystem should support Bogart users by maintaining a list of the specific settings needed to use different cameras with Bogart systems.
I have the Sony NX5U and I have been loading material from this camera
>into Bogart with very few issues.
>First, I have loaded 24mbps HD into my S4100 with excellent results.
>Every thing is in sync (audio and video). The one exception that Bogart
>will NOT accept from the NX5 is the audio formats. You have the option
>with the NX5 to record in two different audio formats. The higher bit
>rate and a slightly lower bit rate.
>I can't remember what the term names are to these bit rates but Bogart
>will NOT accept the higher audio bit rate.You do have to use the lower
>audio bit rate for Bogart to recognize the file. The difference between
>the 2 formats is indeed minor and I can not notice any difference to
>my perception. The 24mbps mode is what I use all the time and load it
>into the S4100 via the USB port. I have loaded several hours of
>footage with no problems other than the audio setting I mentioned
>earlier. By the way I have loaded both HD material and SD material from
>the NX5U with no problems. Just be aware of the Audio setting issue on
>the NX5U.
>Select the lower setting ( I believe they call it Dolby as opposed to
>CD setting).

The correct names of the audio recording formats:

The Audio formats that I mentioned yesterday are called Linear PCM (the higher format and NOT compatible with Bogart) and Dolby Digital (the lower format and is compatible with Bogart).

The response was:

My customer figured it out.
His audio was set to PCM, so he tried Dolby and it worked.
Glad to hear there are no problems @24Mbps, or any other issues.

Another observation:

Bit rates are not a problem but at times the Ext. unit causes issues for some reason in some editing systems.
Craig Newman
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