S3000 shuts down on own

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S3000 shuts down on own

Post by Bonnie »

HI,I just started to have problems with my new S3000 (started using it in May) this afternoon. First the screen went black, it shut down and then rebooted on its own. A message came up "failed to load the project files". I clicked Okay and went back to the project I was working in. This happened 2-3 times. Then I used the clipboard to import some clips. It was okay for a while and I editied the clips I had imported. It shut down again and rebooted in the same manner as described. Then SOME of the editing I had done with the imported clips was gone(some clips added to the story board and ALL transitions). Then it would no longer show the clip that was highlighted in the bin. I experimented some and it would display some clips in the bin and not others. I deleted some of the clips and re-imported. Some of the clips were okay and some others showed up as just a green box. I turned it off and let it set for a couple of hours. Turned it back on and the same thing happened. It is located in a spot where it seems to get adequit air flow.

HELP. I have no idea what could cause all this crazy group of behaviors. Any suggestions would be greatly apprecitaed.
S3000/Bogart 4.1g/Pro 3.0/Arabesk 4.x/500gb HD & software/Photo Transfer 1.6/PIP Studio/Steady Hand/Blue Box World/Title Effects/Font Package Pro/Fonts 2,3/Effects #5/disk transfer/Title bax
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by IanPearson »

I had similar issues with my S6000, constant lock ups, loss of scenes, failed effects, etc. Eventually I had to do a full install of the operating system and that did the trick.

Assuming you have S “N” S, first you need to do a back up hard drive, save your activation codes to a USB key and then do a full install.

The good thing about Bogart and the generation 3 machines, with the exception of imported stills and PS2 annimations, recovery is complete, albeit a lengthy process.

If you need any further advice on backups and re-installation etc, I can have a procedure you might wish to use.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by Bonnie »

Thanks for your reply, Ian. A question first. What is S 'N' S that you refered to? Yes, I would welcome any step by step proceedure you can give me. I am very new to Bogart. I just started using it in May. I do not have an external hard drive for back up. I don't know if the S3000 has provisions for it and if it does I don't know how to use it. It would be wonderful if I could save what I already have done. It represents probably 40 hours of loading footage and editing. Looking forward to your response. Thanks again.
S3000/Bogart 4.1g/Pro 3.0/Arabesk 4.x/500gb HD & software/Photo Transfer 1.6/PIP Studio/Steady Hand/Blue Box World/Title Effects/Font Package Pro/Fonts 2,3/Effects #5/disk transfer/Title bax
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by IanPearson »

Firstly S -“N” -S means Store and share, it is a program for backing up and storing data to an external hard drive (HDD). Obviously if you do not have an external HDD, you will not be able to save all your data and when you perform a full install, all your current work will be lost.

You will have to decide if you can afford to start again.

If you decide to go ahead with a full install, I have added procedure (A22) for reinstalling your operating system, which assumes you have the DVD with your OS on. This was written for OS V5, but from memory I think it was the same for V4.

The other procedure I have added is (A16), which is the one I was referring to in my earlier post, but since you do not have an external drive and S-“N”-S, most of it will not be relevant.

I have just included item 5, which you can use without S-“N”-S. It will be useful for re entering licence codes, that is if you have a USB memory key.

I’m sorry to say this may not be helpful if you cannot afford to loose all your current projects, but I don’t have a real alternative. You could try an update (step 3) instead of an installation, but I doubt if this would cure the problem.


A22 Bogart OS and Relax Vision (Media Manger) Installation
Before undertaking any operating system installations, ensure you have the activation codes for both the OS and Relax Vision. Also to save manually reloading program codes, ensure all existing licence codes are saved on a USB key, see procedure A16, section 5.

1. Power up the unit and select the main home page. Open the CD/DVD draw, insert the disc and power down the unit, using the off button at the top of the screen. Once completely off, restart the unit and wait until the language screen appears.
Note:- starting with the disc in the drive will take longer than normal.

2. After selecting a language, a screen will appear, with a warning not to proceed without the licence code. If you have the code click the “Install” button.

3. Clicking “Install, I have the activation code”, brings up a new screen Clicking N (New Installation) or Start update will begin the process.
Notes:- An update will retain all the current project data, photos, music and activation codes. An update is suitable when the change is relatively small and there has been no apparent issues with the operating system. In most cases a full installation is better, particularly if the system has been unstable, or there are a large number of issue corrections. However, with an “Installation” all the project data, audio, photos, settings, etc, will be wiped clean.

Before undertaking an “Installation” you will need to carry out a backup of the data, as described in procedure A16, section 3. All the program activation codes will also need to be saved for re-entry, Procedure A16 section 5.

4. A screen showing the installation progress will be displayed, after which the “installation complete” screen will appear and the CD/DVD drawer will open. Remove the disc, click the “close tray” button and the unit will power down automatically.

5. Restart the unit again and a box saying “Please activate the Bogart product” will be displayed, click “OK” to activate the Bogart OS software.

The next box is just information, click “OK”.

6. The Install Product menu will now display. Scroll down to the appropriate OS, Bogart SE V5 in this example, enter the licence code, using the displayed key pad or attached keyboard and click “OK”. The unit will shut down again and restart automatically.

After restarting, in addition to the Bogart OS, which will now be shown active, there will be some other programs loaded from this disc, e.g. Bonus effects, Gold edition, etc. These can be activated now, manually or using the numbers saved on the USB key in step 1, above. Alternatively, they can be activated later after all the other programs have been loaded.

7. Prior to using the newly installed OS, it will be necessary to go into the “Settings” menu and reset all the setting preferences. However I suggest in 'System' select 'Record, Playback' and change the 'Cut recognition' to 'Startcode'. Whilst in that menu change 'Display during DV/HDV recording' from a tick to a minus sign. Finally in 'Project' set the 'Image' size to full.

8. To use the Media Manager it will be necessary to activate Relax Vision, in this case V5. From the main menu, select Media Manager, which will open the information box..

Click the “Close” button, which will display the “Install Product” box. Scroll down to the relevant version, V5 in this example, click on “Activate” and enter the Relax Vision licence code. When complete, click the “OK” button.

The box showing various countries will now open, scroll down to the UK and click. Two further boxes will open, but just click OK to both and the installation of the OS process is now complete.

All that remains is to reopen Bogart SE from the main menu, reload all the activation codes, either manually or from the USB key (see procedure A16), install all the required programs from the program CD’s, activate all the relevant programs and finally if required carry out a “Restore the Hard Drive”.

A16 Bogaert back-ups

With the advent of HDV and solid state storage camcorders, keeping all the original recorded DV tape material and exporting any completed story board to DV tape, is no longer possible. However, with Bogart SE V4 and the Store ‘n’ Share software, there are several methods of saving project data to an external storage device, e.g. Hard drive (HDD) or DVD.

Unfortunately there are two functions with the name “Archives”. The archive listed in the main settings menu is not a backup function as such and is not part of this process.
Please also read the Store “n” Share notes, which gives detail of setting up an external HDD, which may be required with the following processes.

Archive and backup systems.
1. Copy a project to another project
2. Backup Story Board
3. Hard drive backup
4. Archive settings.
5. Saving and loading licence codes
6. Exporting and Importing Individual Scenes.

5. Saving and Loading Licence Codes
The licence codes required to unlock the programs are not held in the Cassie bias, but are held in the operating system and are therefore deleted when a new full OS installation is undertaken. To prevent having to manually reload these codes after an OS installation, the codes can be saved on a USB key and re-entered after the new OS installation.

Saving the Codes
1. Connect a USB flash drive to the Cassie
2. From the main menu settings screen click “Settings” then “Install Product”.
3. From the window that opens called “Install Product”, click the USB icon, just above the OK button.
4. Click the “Export” button from the box that opens.
5. If necessary, select the USB flash drive to be used and click “OK”.
6. Click the “OK” button in the box that indicated the codes were successfully exported.
The document containing these codes can be viewed on a PC, directly under the main directory and the document is called “Lizenzen”

Reloading the Codes
1. Connect the USB flash drive to the Cassie
2. From the main menu settings screen click “Settings” then “Install Product”.
3. From the window that opens called “Install Product”, click the USB icon.
4. Click the “Import” button from the box that opens.

1. Repeat steps 1 to 3, but this time select the “Internal” HDD in step 3, which will bring us back to a normal editing function.
Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by Bonnie »

Thanks again for your response, Ian. I don't have much of a choice. I am unable to use the machine. I am editing all of my siblings old 8 mm that I had transfered to DV tape and there is about 30 tapes total. There will be 5 separate projects when completed.

A few of questions.

1) Is S 'N' S a software program that could be purchased and installed? I checked my list of software and it is not listed.

2) Or is it a part of the Bogart OS? I could not find any reference to it in the Bogart manual.

3) Or is it dependent on the hardware also? How do I check to see if my S3000 the capability for use of an external Hare drive?

4) What kind of a hard drive would I need (could I use)? Brand, connection, size

5) Can I save more than one project on the hard drive? Even if I did it one at a time?

6) How often have you had this problem? I don't relish going through this again or on any regular basis. My old AVIO lasted for 14 years and was stable untill tha hard drive wore out. Is Bogart inherently unstable?

Thanks for your help.
S3000/Bogart 4.1g/Pro 3.0/Arabesk 4.x/500gb HD & software/Photo Transfer 1.6/PIP Studio/Steady Hand/Blue Box World/Title Effects/Font Package Pro/Fonts 2,3/Effects #5/disk transfer/Title bax
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by Franklinbencosme »

Ian !! same problem here,S-6000 crash very offen,lost many projects and no matter if I do a full install,after a few days working
in my s-6000(4.5.c),system keep crashing,locks,and many small situations.. :roll:
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by IanPearson »

1) Is S 'N' S a software program that could be purchased and installed? I checked my list of software and it is not listed.

Answer:- Yes it is a separate program and runs on the Bogart OS. I think in the US it is on your “All Software Disc for Bogart OS”

2) Or is it a part of the Bogart OS? I could not find any reference to it in the Bogart manual.
Answer:- We have a separte S-N-S manual, although it is not great, thats why I have written a procedure.

3) Or is it dependent on the hardware also? How do I check to see if my S3000 the capability for use of an external Hare drive?

Answer:- Yes I believe the S3000 will run the program, but check with your dealer, or maybe someone else with a S3000 can advise.

4) What kind of a hard drive would I need (could I use)? Brand, connection, size

Answer:- I have a Seagate 2TB USB HDD, which was recommended by our UK supplier. I am not certain, but believe not all USB HDD’s will work with the S range. Your dealer should be able to advise. You can have several HDD's if you so wish.

5) Can I save more than one project on the hard drive? Even if I did it one at a time?

Answer:- With S-N-S you can do a backup HDD, which saves all the project data, but not the actual programs. This is great since a backup from one OS can be loaded onto later OS. You can do as many backups as you like, it does not overwrite the previous backup, but adds each separately. You can save individual story boards and can even recover individual scenes from a backup. If you decide to go with S-N-S, I can send you my full backup procedure options.

6) How often have you had this problem? I don't relish going through this again or on any regular basis. My old AVIO lasted for 14 years and was stable untill tha hard drive wore out. Is Bogart inherently unstable?

Answer:- In my case this resolved the issue. I was like you having very frequent crashes and was having to use the reset button to force the unit to reboot. I nearly always lost all the work I had done in that session and in one case I lost a full project edit.

Bogart is still prone to the odd crash, but nowhere near as bad before I reloaded the OS and even when it does crash, all my current editing has been saved.

I’m not sure what is causing your problems, but it might be worth you looking at the settings.
Even though my system is now quite stable, I tend to do a backup after a substantial editing session. I know a backup in HDV takes an age (upwards of 2 hours), but I will just let it run at the end of a days work.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by Bonnie »

Thank you for being willing to spend so much of your time helping me with this issue. I have decided to get a hard drive for backup. I checked the software listings. There were 2 that did back up. I don't know/couldn't find the differences in features between them and which one would best fit my current and future needs. They are 'HD Bogart Backup' and store and share. Something I read in the description for 'Store N Share' made me wonder if I also needed 'HD Bogart backup" for the Store N Share to work. Questions:

1) Do I need both to use Store N Share?

2) If they function independly what are the differences (advantage/disadvantage) of each?

3) Would you recommend one over the other and why?

Anybody using these programs? What do you think of them?

S3000/Bogart 4.1g/Pro 3.0/Arabesk 4.x/500gb HD & software/Photo Transfer 1.6/PIP Studio/Steady Hand/Blue Box World/Title Effects/Font Package Pro/Fonts 2,3/Effects #5/disk transfer/Title bax
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by LouBruno »

I use HD BACKUP instead of Store N' Share. Store N" Share is good for making environments only.
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Re: S3000 shuts down on own

Post by IanPearson »

Of course, Lou is correct, ( thanks Lou) the HD Backup is the program that will best give you what you are looking for, in terms of saving and reloading data.

Since I have both the HD Backup and S-N-S programs installed and active on my unit, my backup procedures document is correct, but I do need to make some amendments to make it clear as to which program is delivering what.

The two programs will work independently, but they also work together when both are active. I said somewhere that the S-N-S guidance notes were not the easiest to understand, as clearly demonstrated by this discussion.

Whilst the generation 3 units have undoubtedly made Casablanca a much more versatile and professional system, the days of plug in and edit (like your trusty old Avio) have I’m afraid, long gone. But that’s progress!!

Having said all of this, I just hope the re-installation of your OS will cure your problems, it did work for me and I know also for others, although not in Franklin's case. In any event I think you need a backup system, the thought of loosing many hours of editing does not bear thinking about.

I also think for those who use multiple programs and need to meet deadlines, the services of Chet’s Casablanca Expert is a good investment.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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