Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector
I've finally gotten around to installing Smart Edit 9 in my Kron Plus. The setting for each project's audio sampling rate used to be in Project Settings. Where is it now I haven't seen it documented anywhere.
This is taken from SE-7 user manual:
Note: Some systems automatically select the best audio sampling frequency (48 KHZ). If your system does not support this, there is a manual audio selection within the "Audio Settings" called "Audio quality".
Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector