How accurate is auto split?

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How accurate is auto split?

Post by MartinWilson »

I have copied a project from one troublesome HDD to another hopefully more healthy one on another Avio, and clicked on auto split, but some of the splits seem to be a frame or two out.

I seem to remember having this problem before. It's a bit of a pain when there are well over 200 scenes.


GTFC Video

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Re: How accurate is auto split?

Post by BobNaughton »


I had that problem once before myself. Its the only time it ever did it. If I remember correctly, I clipboarded the main file into another Project, resplit it and it autosplit accuratley. You might try downloading your original file into another project a 2nd time and see if it works ok for you. Normally the Auto-Split function is right on the money.
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Re: How accurate is auto split?

Post by chetdavis »

My experience is equal to Bob's - I have found the Auto-split to be precise... the only thing I can think of if you are exporting a storyboard from one Avio into another that might cause a shift in the scene junctions is if you have transitions between those scenes. If they are straight cuts between scenes I believe it should be clean.

Chet Davis
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Re: How accurate is auto split?

Post by MartinWilson »

Thanks Bob and Chet,

There were crossfades of 4 frames between many of the scenes and the markers (1 frame colour bar scenes) were not split correctly many of them included in the previous scene.

I still have a couple of projects to try and get off the dodgy HDD so I will try and take out the transitions and see if that works. The only thing is, what will take the most time, taking out all the transitions and re-inputting them or just editing the incorrect splits. :?

Thanks again,

GTFC Video

Goole, East Yorkshire, England
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Re: How accurate is auto split?

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Martin

I just imported a finished project(with transitions) into my S4000 and found that when I auto split the project it split the transitions aswell. If you are comfortable with the placing (read order) of the scenes with the transitions there is no need to take them out as long as you put the scenes back onto the storyboard in the same order as they were and you would see a normal transition. If you want to mix the scenes around in the new machine I would advise you to take the transitions out otherwise you would have to trim all your scenes a little (in and out points). Hope this is some help to you.

Good luck Jeanton
Jeantons Video Productions
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Re: How accurate is auto split?

Post by MartinWilson »

Hi Jeanton,

Thanks for that, yes mine also split at the cross fades which isn't a problem.

On my original storyboard I used 1 frame colour bars to separate the individual matches, (I am compiling a season highlights of the football (soccer for our American friends) team that I film for and on the majority of splits the colour bars were attached to the previous scene.

I was only really doing this excercise because there is a problem with the current hard drive and I didn't really want to do any extra work on it until I had copied over to another drive in another Avio.

I have since resplit the downloaded scenes but will try again with another project that needs downloading off the faulty drive.

best regards,

GTFC Video

Goole, East Yorkshire, England
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