Sony DSR-11

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Sony DSR-11

Post by rone »

Retiring video business ...

The Sony DSR-11 DVCAM player/recorder can be easily integrated into your existing non-linear editing system. Providing basic VTR functions, the deck features Firewire connectivity and NTSC and PAL compatibility. This makes the DSR-11 a powerful and cost effective solution to computer based editing systems.

DVCAM / DV Play and Record
DVCAM is Sony's professional version of the ubiquitous DV format. DVCAM offers better picture quality, superior multi-generational dubbing quality and greater dynamic range in its audio section. DV offers longer recording duration and less expensive tape stock prices. The DSR-11 will play and record in both formats letting the user choose which features are most significant to the final product.
NTSC and PAL Compatibility

Though the DSR-11 will not convert one signal to the other, the machine will play and record in both NTSC and PAL standards. When recording through the analog input, the switch on the back of the unit must select the proper color standard. When recording from the digital input, the machine recognizes the standard automatically.

i.LINK Interface
The DSR-11 is equipped with a 4-pin i.LINK connection. This connection allows easy duplication of entire tapes as well as one-cable digital transfer of audio, video, and command signals to a connected VTR or PC. When downloading video via the i.LINK connection, you can also copy the time code from a non-VTR source such as video that has been edited on a PC.

Auto Repeat Feature
When set to Auto Repeat the DSR-11 can repeatedly play back a program. Just after the DSR-11 reaches the end of the tape, the first complete blank portion, or the first index point, it automatically rewinds and repeats playback of the segment.

Wired Remote Compatibility
The DSR-11 is equipped with LANC (Control L) and Control S connectivity. Several control components work with LANC providing basic machine control for a linear edit situation. The DSRM-20 jog shuttle remote will attach to the DSR-11 via the Control S connection.

I purchased this unit new. Very few hours. Manual and original box. Several new DVCAM tapes. $265.00 includes shipping and insurance.

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Joined: Sat May 03, 2008 11:19 am
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Location: Fairview Heights, Illinois U.S.A

Re: Sony DSR-11

Post by rone »

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