SmartMedia for Casablanca AVIO DVD

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Casablanca Unit: Casablanca AVIO DVD

SmartMedia for Casablanca AVIO DVD

Post by peterjm »

Hello All,

I have a Casablanca AVIO-DVD with a 120gb hdd and when I try to boot it I am getting the System symbol at the upper-left corner displaying a flashing arrow indicating that the SmartMedia card should be inserted. I don't have the SmartMedia!!!

Can I download the SmartMedia software and using any SmartMedia card?
If not were can I get the card from?
Is it possible to repair the partion on the hard disk by putting it in a PC and using HDD repair tools?

Thank you for your help,
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Location: Boston, MA

Re: SmartMedia for Casablanca AVIO DVD

Post by CKNewman »

Without the Smart Card I'm not sure what you can do. I don't know if Macro System US supports Smart Edit machines at all these days.

You could try contacting your local dealer, here is the link to the dealer page: . In case they can help you, you will need to have the serial number of the Avio which is located on the back of the machine. If you need a card or two you can do a search for Smartmedia Memory Card and come up with a number of results. I believe you will need one card for the OS and one for add-on software, if there were any additional programs registered to your Avio.

Let us know how you make out!
Craig Newman
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Location: London, England.

Re: SmartMedia for Casablanca AVIO DVD

Post by MichaelD »

Hi Peter, I have emailed you but haven't had a response ?

I need to know where the Avio came from to track down its serial number to then find out what we need to put on the card.
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