Always fun and compelling talking with you Franklin. Thank you for your passion, interest and your knowledge on this type of workflow.
Thank you CK it's been 5 yrs of refining the way we shoot it combined with me just getting better at editing. All of it is important but
I try to pay equal attention to the audio mixing in the background. The deeper I keep adding layers of audio the more professional it sounds to me.
I've been at it for awhile now and learn new shooting tricks every year. (if you look at page 1 of this thread, you should see a progression)
Incredible new cameras come out every year so I realize all of our 5d Mark II's are now obsolete but good enough for our Luxury Wedding stuff. What's nice
with sticking with the same equipment you have is you can calibrate every camera the same (we now shoot with up to 6 of them with 3 shooters)
We're selling emotions not technology so I'm extremely comfortable with this workflow.
The camera moves you are referring to are done with this piece of equipment it so easy to use once you set it up
with the different lenses. It memorises the different presets, you just dial it in. I use either a 24mm 35mm 50mm depends on the situation. In this little film
the lens was a 35mm Literally after practicing with the M5 for one day I was able to create this look on a test shoot 2 days in look at the opening shot I didn't really know how to use the device yet (2 yrs ago) but you can just see the possibilities ! (there are cheaper versions of this device from other companies, this is the only one I've used)
Canon 7D & 5D Mark II
- Posts: 226
- Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:12 am
- Casablanca Unit: 2/S4100 1/S6000 Bogart SE 5, Arabesk 5
most all of the software on all 3 units.
We shoot everything with HDSLR's.
Four Canon 5d mark II and one 7d. - Location: Montreal,Quebec,Canada
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