Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

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Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

Post by ShadowVision »

Here's an issue I've never posted about: With loops and background music I've had some issues with blending from one loop to the next.

Sometimes, the fade out is way too abrupt. Any suggestions how to feature the sound transitions between loops?

I guess I'm looking for a little more control of the db level on the fade out to make it smoother.

Jonathan W. Hickman
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Re: Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

Post by normross »

Jonathan -

I believe you're referring to the issue in which an audio fade of any duration cuts abruptly to mute before being completely faded out. This is a long-standing issue and unfortunately has continued even through the latest release of Bogart. The workaround is to create a short 1 or 2 second silent audio sample, place it on an adjacent track at the same point as the last 1 or 2 seconds of the called-for music fade out, set it as a fade-in of the same length as the sample, and then call for it to mute the track carrying the music. This works fine except it takes a lot of extra time if you're scoring a full music track for a program. I guess some issues are just plain hard to resolve, but hope this helps.

- Norm Ross
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Re: Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

Post by ShadowVision »

I think I understand the nature of the cheat. So, I need to create a silent sample first. Although I've got some ideas how to do that, how do you do that?

Second this silent sample is placed on a track underneath the music and other tracks, right? And you fade it in and fade it out during the music fade out, right?

Does this smooth out the music fade out? I'll try it this evening.
Jonathan W. Hickman
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Re: Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

Post by TimKennelly »

For blending there is another way, you can create Video samples of the two soundtracks (Special, Sample->Scene) and place them on the Storyboard, use a Crossfade of the duration to give you the "blend" you want, Create a Scene of that and then Special, Scene->Sample it back to the Audio side.

Far easier to do than to describe.
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Re: Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

Post by ShadowVision »

Tim's suggestion is so funny! I'll try both. I think I get it on both options.

Jonathan W. Hickman
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Re: Music Blending and Smoother Fade Outs

Post by jimmeeker »

Evne another way is to place your two music selections on two different tracks under the video. Then using "Range" have the two songs overlap each other by a second or two. Then merely have the second song act as a "Correction' switch and put a fade in the beginning of it. Using it as a "Correction" device in the Audio Mix screen, it will cause the end of the song above it to fade down at the same time this one is fading in. It's exactly the same thing as the Silent Sample effect that was discussed earlier. The silent sample and the correction method both do cause the audio to fade smoothly down to zero.

Hopoe this all makes sense. Good luck and let us know how you make out with all this information.
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