transition from PIP studio scene

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transition from PIP studio scene

Post by videojim »

I made a PIP studio scene in the scene bin, and added it to the storyboard, but cannot get ANY transition to add to go from it to the next scene. Whatsupwiddat? Also, this is one of my reasons for wanting more up to date instruction: the training video does NOT show an option to add the scene to the storyboard as well as to the scene bin when layering. The software in V7 gives you that option, but the instruction video does not.
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by TimKennelly »

By definition, you can only use one transition between two scenes on any editing system in the world.

That's whatsupwiddat. :roll:
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by PaulBusta »

To recreate your problem I put PIP Studio between two scenes in the storyboard, rendered it, made a copy of it which went to the scene bin then put that scene bin copy back into the storyboard, added another scene behind it, put a transition between the two and it worked perfectly. Are you sure your doing it right.
Paul Busta

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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by CasablancaExpert »

So we can provide a suggested remedy, perhaps you could provide additional detail on your scenario:

If I read your post correctly, you created a PIP effect, made a scene of it (made both scenes and the PIP effect into a single scene)...

What (if any) length scene do you have before your scene of the PIP effect and what length do you have of the scene behind the PIP effect -- and how long a transition effect would you like between the PIP effect and the following scene?
Chet Davis
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by TimKennelly »

I could be wrong, but I read it that Jim knows how to do it with Scene creation and replacement, but was just saying that there is no video tutorial on this.

If not, you can create a Scene and either replace the original Scenes involved manually or using the automated feature and then add a transition between the newly created Scene and the next one.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by TomHajewski »

Hi, Guys. My guess is that we're missing some information here. PIP Studio is a transition in itself. If he left in the storyboard the scenes to which he applied PIP Studio, created a scene of that and then added the newly-created scene again, he might have a problem. On the other hand, if he correctly replaced the original scenes to which he applied PIP with the newly created scene, he would not have a problem adding a transition to another scene. The fact that Jim can't add a transition to the storyboard indicates he did something wrong there in the storyboard.

It would be nice if Jim would chip in here and provide more info. Maybe he's out shoveling the snow in Memphis. :D
Tom Hajewski
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by videojim »

No shoveling, only sweeping off the car. Front wheel drive goes where it wants. As to the pip scene, I had combined the two into one, and put that into the scene bin, and then added that into the storyboard. That done, No transition of any kind or length, would go after it to the next scene. I was only wanting a 1 second crossfade to the next scene.
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by TimKennelly »

If you created a Scene of the two Scenes that used the PIP Studios and replaced those original Scenes with the newly combined created Scene you should be able to add a transition between it and another Scene up to the total duration of the smaller of the two involved Scenes.

Either you are trying to put in a duration longer than one of the two involved Scenes or your system is malfunctioning.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by videojim »

Tim, it finally came down to when you have two scenes involved in a PIP, the transition before the first one and after the second one HAS to be in place before the PIP effect is added. Finally figured that one out, and the transitions are there. NOW, using the PIP with a moving scene and a still added as a scene on top of it. I am getting the effect, but a few seconds of the still comes on at the very end of the scene, replacing it completely. What's going on, what's not being done right? I used a scene and a still of the exact same length, and it still happened.
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Re: transition from PIP studio scene

Post by IanPearson »

I’m not sure if I’m reading you correctly, but I think you are saying the PIP comes on as required, but reverts to your base scene before the end of the clips, right?

If so and you have the two scenes the same length, as you say you have, placed them in the story board, with the base scene first and the PIP second. You then go into “fx transitions”, scroll down to “PIP Studio”, click “Add” to add the effect between the two scenes and then click the duration button, on the left just below the story board.

If you want the PIP to last the full duration of your two scenes in the story board, just scroll the time slider all the way to the right, which should now be the same duration as your two scenes.

After pressing “OK”, you can now launch “PIP Studio” to set your shape, position and movement, etc, as you require.

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