How to make borders in Titling

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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by jimmeeker »

Ron and Kim,

Thank you both for the compliments. Helping each other out was one of things that made this forum so valuable and great when it first began.....and frankly it's the foundation of the "March Get Together" as well. Friends helping friends and learning from each other.

Each of us has all kinds of information that we have learned along the way and much of it is information that others need to know. So what better way to make a Convention work and what better way to make a forum useful to it's readers. I must admit that I feel good about helping others learn something that I know and can explain. I hate the forums where everyone tears down the other guy for not using the brand of equipment that they use or edit with the brand that they like. It's just sad to read forums that allow that kind of snob mail back and forth. That's why I started calling this forum: "The friendliest place on the web"....and I hope we can keep it so.
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by IanPearson »

Jim is absolutely right about the character of this site. I joined this group at an early stage, about 10 years back. In those days I was new to NLE or for that matter editing of any kind.

The likes of Jim, Tim, Martyn and many others gave me lots of tips and advice, whilst Beachy, although an accomplished vidiographer, was mainly responsible for the light hearted side of the group.

I think the one advantage I had, compared to today, was that the systems were relatively simple and so we had to make up a lot of the effects using the few programs that were available. The one that Jim provided being a good example. This gave us all a good grounding for compromise and alternative methodology.

I can understand someone starting today being a lot more confused, with the variety of editing machines, OS versions and number of programs. Whereas a lot of us have grown with the technology advance.

Long may this group continue to be the friendliest place on the web, with no one embarrassed to ask what they consider a dumb question. I know in the past I have had egg on my face, so to speak, but never made to feel stupid.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by KimSWilliamson »

Hi Jim,

I am trying to do the steps as you described, but when I select "out of Focus" (I am editing in the image processing window", then it makes the background out of focus.

I made the rectangle in the image processing editing window, is that right?

Kim Wiliamson :?
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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by jimmeeker »


I did my testing in the regular edit window using a black background, so when I softened the frame using "out of focus" it did soften just the frame and was the effect I was looking for. are correct, if you put your frame directly over a video scene as your background and then apply the Out of focus effect, you will most certainly cause the video background to be softened as well. To use the softened frame over a video or patterned background you will need to use the ChromaKey effect and hopefully you have Blue Box World as it works better than the Blue Box included in the basic set up with Cassie. But the effect will work with the plain Blue Box.

Put your picture frame over a keyable color such as Green or Blue then soften it.....and then make a scene of it and place it next to the video or pattern that you want to have the out of focus frame over. Now apply the Blue Box effect and after making the needed adjustments for the Chromakey effect to be will have a video or pattered background with an out of focus frame of your choice of color, shape and size on top of it. Now make a Scene of that and finally as the last move, add the title that you wanted to have inside the out of focus frame in the first place. Then lock it all together into one image by making a "SCENE" of it all. Place in the story board and add audio and enjoy.....!
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by KimSWilliamson »


I am trying out the titling box method, however, when I tried using "Out of Focus" in special in the editing window, it made the entire background video out of focus. How do i apply "Out of Focus" to soley the rectangle that i added to the background video?

Many thanks, Kim
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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by jimmeeker »


Re-read my previous i went through adding the frame to a keyable color like green or blue and soften it with out of focus. Then you have a softened frame over a background scene that will work with BlueBox and you then key out the green or blue background by placing it next to the video scene or colored background scene that you want the frame to be on top of.

The Chromakey effect , after you make the needed adjustments to it, will make the green or blue color disappear and your wanted background will then show up with an out of focus frame over it......then you make a scene of that and then and only then.....add your title inside the softened frame....and then make a final scene of that as well and you are done.

You need to learn how to use the Blue Box feature that most Cassies came with ....on some I believe you got it free after you registered your Cassie's serial number with the Boulder office, then you can get the code to activate Blue Box. You can do this online by going to their web site and finding the page to register your unit. If you don't have Blue Box, you need to get it and practice using it. There is a small learning curve but it opens up a huge new way of editing for everyone. Then if you like what it can do for you and you have some spare change laying "BlueBox World" which is much much better in what it can do.....and how it does it better too.

I mentioned all this because you missed all the information about keying out the green or blue background in the last post... and led me to think that those terms didn't ring a bell with you. Knowing all this stuff is important because it is how the Blue Box feature works and makes video creativity go up a notch.
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

Founder of the
"March Get Together"

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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by KimSWilliamson »


So sorry - I submitted the same question twice! You must think I am a complete idiot!

thank you for your patience and for making the process clear

Yes, I do have Blue Box World and will try this rectangle thing through Blue Box World.


Kim Williamson :oops:
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Re: How to make borders in Titling

Post by CasablancaExpert »

In today's MacroSystem US Webinar -(Free General Session #5) I will be demonstrating two lessons: QuadCam and Box Options in the Title Menu. The reason I am posting this here, is that after reading this thread - I played with the Box Options some and came up with a nested box (box on top of box) that can act as a border around a title box. We'll start that 2nd lesson around 1:25PM Pacific Time

If your schedule permits - you can join us live for the Webinar by registering at
And, the recorded session will be uploaded to my website for future review for those unable to attend live.


Chet Davis
Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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