Speed problems with titles/credit

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Speed problems with titles/credit

Post by abcdefghijklm55 »

On my new Solitaire I`m having problems adjusting the speed at witch the title and credit run. Can anyone advice me on how to slow it down. At the present moment the titles/credit run far to quickly. :cry:
Thank you
Jon Tore Jacobsen
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Re: Speed problems with titles/credit

Post by mykle »

Open the forum: "Questions, How Tos and tips", page 2.

There you'll find the thread "slow moving text".
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Re: Speed problems with titles/credit

Post by jimmeeker »


Welcome to the forum, if we knew what software you are using, we might be able to give you more accurate answers to your questions. If you look at everyone's postings you will see that they have information listed as to what equipment they are using and this really helps in allowing us to help you with information that is correct for what you are using. Otherwise we are just guessing and may give you bad information. Go to the User Control Panel at the top left hand corner of this page and fill in the information about yourself and your equipment and it'll really help us help you. After you fill in this information it will appear on all your postings so you won't have to re-type it each time.

In general, the speed of the title is determined by the amount of time that you have them set for. This is in a box above and to the left of the title screen. If you place a title in the scene and set the time for 5 seconds it will stay one the screen for just 5 seconds and then if you set it for 10 seconds it'll run for 10.

If you are using a vertical scroll you can make it run slower by spacing more empty spaces between the lines of titles...so it takes longer to cover all the territory that is being used in the scroll. The same is true of the horizontal scroller. More space equals slower running time.

It's all fairly simple but finding the right buttons is the first step to making it work.
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Re: Speed problems with titles/credit

Post by mediamusic »

I am using renommee casablanca. I am using the V-scrolling with 4 minutes of titles, and they are scrolling too fast. I double space and they went much faster. I put the must time I could which is 1minute . I can not slow the scrolling down. Can you help?
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Re: Speed problems with titles/credit

Post by TimKennelly »

The scroll duration controls the speed so if it's going too fast you need to increase the duration it is scrolling over. Aka: a longer scene time if you have set the Title duration for the entire Scene in the Title Range field.
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Re: Speed problems with titles/credit

Post by IanPearson »

To add a little to what has already been said, but also just to confirm, I think we are talking about V-scroll titling in this case.

With V-scroll, the duration of the scroll will default to the length of the scene, i.e. if the scene is 10s long, one line of text will take 10s to scroll from the bottom to the top. If there are more lines of text, or larger spaces between lines of text, it still takes 10s for several lines of text to scroll up to the top and therefore the text appears to be travelling faster.

Neither of you have said which operating system version you are running, but in OS V9, clicking the time duration box, (left under the storyboard) opens a “range” dropdown box which you can delay the start and end, or specify a “Range”, either of which will increase the speed of the wording, since you will have reduced the time / space it appears on the scene. In earlier OS versions, clicking the duration box allows you to reduce the time, so changing this time from say 10s to 5s the title will scroll in the first 5 seconds and therefore appear to travel much faster.

If your problem is that the titles are already running too fast, you need a longer scene in the story board. Say you are scrolling titles on a 10s black scene, if you replace this with a 20s black scene, their scroll time will be halved, i.e. the same text will take 20s to travel instead of 10s. You could also reduce the size of the text, and line spacing, which means the distance from the top of the text to the bottom is shorter and therefore it will slow down the rate of travel, but this will have its limitations.

Before the introduction of the “Range” function I would often split my title scene so that I could adjust the rate as required.

Hope this helps.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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