The Lartigue Monorailway - Youtube HD Video

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Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:48 am
Casablanca Unit: equipment: Sony HDR-XR520, Sony RX10, GoPro Hero1, Actionpro X7, Canon Ixus 70, 2xEnterprise MAX with Bogart SE 5/6, Samsung 42" FullHD LCD, Samsung 22" DVI Monitor, Samsung 22" HDMI TV Monitor
Location: Germany

The Lartigue Monorailway - Youtube HD Video

Post by Volker »

My first HD video on Youtube.

A VERY powerful PC is required to play it back in HD quality. :shock:
Volker Hill - Germany
Posts: 841
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:34 am
Casablanca Unit: S3000, S4000 PRO, Renommee Plus

Re: The Lartigue Monorailway - Youtube HD Video

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Beautiful work Volker! It is stunning to see that footage in HD... and the railway is very interesting, never seen anything like that.

I could not understand much of the narration as Ich habe nur zwei Jahre Deutschunterricht in der Schule - vor dreißig Jahren ;)

Again, beautiful production sir!

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Casablanca Unit: equipment: Sony HDR-XR520, Sony RX10, GoPro Hero1, Actionpro X7, Canon Ixus 70, 2xEnterprise MAX with Bogart SE 5/6, Samsung 42" FullHD LCD, Samsung 22" DVI Monitor, Samsung 22" HDMI TV Monitor
Location: Germany

Re: The Lartigue Monorailway - Youtube HD Video

Post by Volker »

Thanks, Chet.

By the way, this was edited in HD on the Enterpise MAX (same software and hardware as the S4000 Pro).
Then I transfered the project to the Media Manager's archive (without MPEG conversion).
Then I exported the clip in DIVX, 720p, avi format and uploaded it to youtube. It took youtube some hours to process the footage but the result is better than what I expected from youtube.
Volker Hill - Germany
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