"Opt" function and group filter

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"Opt" function and group filter

Post by IanPearson »

I have been advised that a number of people have stopped using the “Opt” group feature, since they appear to have lost scenes.

Something I did today may explain this apparent loss of scenes, so I would just like to pass on this experience.

With the filter on, displaying just one group, I put a scene in the story board, did some effects and audio correction, made a scene of it, returned back to the edit screen, but there was no new scene in the scene bin???

It took me a while to realise there will be no scene here, since the new scene has not yet been grouped and is therefore filtered out.

Returning to the “All” group, low and behold, there it was. Adding the group name to this new scene and re-applying the filter, both the original and the scene version were now in the group scene bin.

Hope this helps someone who has wondered where their scene has gone.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: "Opt" function and group filter

Post by HansJoachimKoenig »

good tip, will try out :)
Hans-Joachim König
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Re: "Opt" function and group filter

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Ian,

I have had this question as well at some of my hands-on Casablanca workshops.
I actually think these new view options under the OPT button are great - once you get used to them.
A reminder as well - if you believe there are missing scenes, check between the Storyboard and Scene Bin

You will see an indicator 'Filter Active' if you have indeed activated one of the filters.
For a bit of fun, go into this OPT button and remove the tick mark from the 'Show already added scenes' once you have begun adding scenes to the Storyboard.

For members of my website you can view an 10-minute streaming Video Tutorial of these options on my website here http://www.casablancaexpert.com/articles/20090226

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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