Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

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Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by fmoorexx »

This is a project for my church (pro bono). They want to loop a 5:45 minute video for an hour. When I start to render a file of 10 of the same 5:45 min clips, it takes forever. They want it tomorrow morning. At this rate, I may not make it. (I can't loan my S4K.) Is there a quicker way?

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Re: Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by TimKennelly »


What is your definition of "forever"?

It should take less than two hours for an hour worth of video I'd think.

You are just spoiled from your experiences with the hardware encoder chip (C Cube) built into the gen2 machines. :D

You aren't compressing the audio are you?

That said, there is a much quicker way.

Author it as the 5:45 minute Project it is and point out to your client to set the player to loop the DVD.

I have never seen a DVD player that did not have this feature.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by MichaelD »

. . . or just add the one film and set Arabesk (4) to play "successively" . . .
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Re: Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by fmoorexx »

Thanks Tim & Michael-- I'm really glad for experts like you that read this forum & pull guys like me out of a 9 hole (old Louisiana expression -- don't know want it means).

It took "forever" because I was at 1x speed not max (12x) which I just discovered this morning. I was compressing audio, but that wasn't enough.

I knew there had to be a faster way and now I know of two. Tim, I'll tell my pastor what you said about DVD players; and Michael, I am now remaking the video coded "Play successively" -- a feature I had forgotten about.

Thanks again, gentlemen.

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Re: Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Frank - I too would opt for the suggestion Tim made (1 film on DVD, use DVD Player in loop mode). I would be leery of the 'Play Successively' feature found only on Arabesk 4 -- it is my understanding that feature is still not functioning 100%, at least in NTSC (if I am incorrect I will be delighted in the knowing, however! :D ). Also, the Play Successively is designed to play your 1st film, then the 2nd, the 3rd and so on before returning to the Main Menu whereas the Repeated Play will do the same but instead of returning to the main Menu will pop right back to play Film 1)

Chet Davis
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Re: Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by TimKennelly »


Like Chet, I am unaware that Play Successively will work.

Like Chet, it is my belief that just has it play one Film after another if you have more than one and I do not think it causes a single Film to repeat although I have never tried that.

As for compressed, you do not want to use that setting unless you have to for space as it causes the convert (Add Film) to take significantly longer.
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At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: Putting 10 identical 5-minute clips on one DVD

Post by fmoorexx »


"Play successively" repeats at least one time; I haven't tried it more than that.

I'm glad to know the logic behind not compressing. I had compressed simply this time because I had previously needed the capacity to do some of our longer interviews.

I moved up to "high" on image quality this last time. Haven't seen it yet, but was disappointed showing "normal" on our bedroom's older TV/Sony DVD player combo. Picture quality was not nearly as good as on my Casablanca monitor (LG 22") or Apple iMac.

Thanks again,

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