Photos in Proportion

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Photos in Proportion

Post by roncamp »

I can't find the instructions I had for how to reconfigure the Solitaire so that it will import jpegs in proportion.
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Re: Photos in Proportion

Post by MichaelD »

Did you mean this ?

Correct aspect ratio output of Photo Studio 2 photos and collages in 16:9 or HDV projects

If you wish to use Photo Studio in combination with a 16:9 or HDV project, images that are converted to video scenes may be displayed in the wrong aspect ratio on the screen. Use the following settings to achieve images with the correct aspect ratio in 16:9:
Go to the main menu of Photo Studio 2 and select the "Options" under "Presentation". Set the "Fit to Size" setting to "Scale".

Go to "Edit" to crop the image. Select the desired image and then click on to "Crop". Set the "Format" setting to "Video 16:9". Now search for a fitting part of the image to generate a scene. Confirm with "ok". Now press "Create scene". A new video scene will be created, using the 16:9 format and one that can be displayed in both 16:9 and HDV projects in the correct aspect ratio.

If you wish to use a collage in a 16:9 or HDV project correctly, create the collage as usual, then go to the Collage menu and create a new photo from the collage ("Create photo"). This photo can be cropped (as described above) to 16:9 so that it can be displayed in the correct aspect ratio using "Create scene".

Note: The image changes its size when doing this. The process can not be undone. However, you can use "Copy" to create backup image. Animation in 16:9 are not possible.
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Re: Photos in Proportion

Post by roncamp »

Thanks for your response. I'm still working in 4:3. When I capture jpegs they appear squeezed. There's a workaround involving switching from VGA mode to video mode, but I don't remember all the steps.
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Re: Photos in Proportion

Post by CKNewman »


Your question was a bit vague. Could you tell us more clearly what the problem is and what format you are working in?

You can search the older posts on this forum by entering a search term in the box in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Try entering pixel aspect ratio.

Here is an e-mail from Carroll Lam's ClamCam Video site which is a real storehouse of resouces for all things Casablanca:
This subject comes up occasionally on the list: Why does by image look fine on my computer but stretched when transferred to the Cassie? One of the reasons (there are others possible) is that computers displays use square pixels whereas video use NON-square pixels.

Here's an article that trys to help one understand the various elements of pixel aspect ratios.


Chet's website may have an article that addresses this issue.
Craig Newman
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Re: Photos in Proportion

Post by roncamp »

This was addressed on the old forum, which is no longer with us. I've got a printout somewhere, but I can't find it. I did a search and didn't find anything on this subject.
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Re: Photos in Proportion

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Ron,

It's my understanding that you need to switch your editor over to single monitor video mode prior to the Create Scene operation (when you export photos from PS2 into your Scene Bin) to avoid that aspect ratio issue.

Chet Davis
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Re: Photos in Proportion

Post by roncamp »

Yes, I finally got it working yesterday morning. Went right to work and didn't post that I had resolved the issue.

Thanks to all.
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