layering in Akaba

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
Posts: 93
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:52 pm
Casablanca Unit: Smart Edit 8 Prestige Plus 256MB, Bluebox World, PIP Studio,Disk Transfer, QuadCam, Motion Perfect, Motion 3D, Photo Studio2, Photo Transfer, Audio Effects Pkg, Magic Lights, Filter Pack,Arabesk 4,That's about it. I generally use a 2 monitor setup.

Shoot with 2 Sony VX2000's, and also a VX2100.
Location: Brighton, Massachusetts

Re: layering in Akaba

Post by BobNaughton »


Layering a scene or "sceneing" something pretty much means the same thing. In other video editing systems such as adobe or Vegas you sometimes have as much as 99 separate video tracks to work with and you layer your different elements separatley such as titling, PiP, and so on. I have never used any of those programs, so I dont know how to layer in them, but In our Cassies, we have the "Scene" function that allows us to use just one video track but layer different elements such as titles, video, special effects, transitions, and so forth with just one video track. Once you create your first layer, by lets say adding a title, You see a red box up on your storyboard informing you that the effect has not been created. Once you create the scene it turns the box blue. However if you decide to do anything else to that clip it will un-create itself. You would want to "scene it" to cement that title or what ever you did, so you could do additional things to it without undoing what you already did.

The scene function is located both in the title program as well as in the Image processing screen. Lets say you had a scene of a beach and you wanted a title for it Daytona Beach You would design the title and then press create. Once it has rendered look for the box named scene. It is located under the storyboard on the left bottom row of buttons. Once you click on it you will see boxes marked effect effect+ scene Range. You would use range as Tim mentioned if you wanted to scene many clips at once. You could scene the whole storyboard if you wished or just parts of it.

If you just had the one clip, I would click on the middlebox marked effect and scene. Then select OK. That will finalize that scene so that it cannot be undone. The title becomes a permanent component of the clip. Now you can add another title, throw in a PIP play around with adding other things to that scene You just have to remember to "Scene it" or cement it together before you do anything else to it.
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