remove many scenes from SB

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remove many scenes from SB

Post by KeithWiggers »

I know how to add many sequential scenes from the scene bin to the SB, but I do not recall seeing how to remove a large number of sequential scenes from the SB. It would save a lot of finger tapping on the delete key. I am not trying to delete the scenes from the scene bin, just the SB.

With the auto split, I let it add all of the scenes to the SB as well as the scene bin. Makes it easier to log 8 hours of video. But now I want to get them out of the SB. I don't really want to wipe the SB clean since I have started to construct a program out of the useful footage. I am doing that at the end of the SB, after all of the now unneeded scenes.



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Re: remove many scenes from SB

Post by Lowell »

Keith to get the the storyboard wiped clean go to project settings then click delete a window will open with the options delete storyboard--- delete scenes ------ delete samples. Uncheck the scenes and samples leaving only the storyboard checked then click ok and the storyboard will be deleted but not the scenes...Make SURE you don't say ok if scenes are checked or bye bye scenes. HTH. :D :)
Lowell Brockway email: 330-922-5606
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Re: remove many scenes from SB

Post by KeithWiggers »

Thanks Lowell, but I want to delete many scenes in the SB, but not all. I may just have to hit the delete key repetively.

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Re: remove many scenes from SB

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Keith,

You might consider the Mark and Action buttons new to Smart Edit 8 (and Bogart 2).
These are found at the bottom of the Edit menu... you can mark all the scenes in the Storyboard and then mark a 2nd time those scenes you wish to retain (keep). By marking them a 2nd time they become unmarked. You can then use the 'Remove' button beneath the Storyboard and when you have Scenes marked it will ask you if you want All Marked or just the Active (single, selected scene). You could also use the tiny, interior left button on your trackball to mark/un-mark scenes - this is a powerful new feature!

This function and many others are included in my Casablanca Foolproof Volume 1 DVD Tutorial. This 3-DVD set provides 6-1/2 hours of instruction (the most thorough) ever produced for Casablanca editors. You can read more about the tutorial DVD here: (this is available for order in my online store or through your Casablanca reseller).

Chet Davis
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Re: remove many scenes from SB

Post by KeithWiggers »

Thank you Chet. That looks like the quickest way to delete a bunch of scenes. I have looked at and played with the marking feature a little, but obviously not enough to realize all of its capabilties.

First, I will back up, then give it a go. Thanks again.

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