Audio question

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Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
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Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Audio question

Post by flvideo »

One of my people shot a show Sat and recorded the audio on 2 chanels. He recorded Nat sound on chanel 1 and PA on chanel 2. The problem is he recorded the nat sound too loud and it drowns out the pa. Is there any way I can seperate them going into my renny? If I could seperate them I could lower the nat and raise the pa. Any help would be apreciated. Bob...
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Re: Audio question

Post by TimKennelly »

Video Recording Menu, import your video/audio.

Video Edit Menu, , Special, Scene->Sample.

Audio Recording Menu, Special, Volume LR, set the L and R channels to the volume levels you desire.

Then use the resultant sample as your audio track.

You can use it independently or put the Scene on the Storyboard in the Video Edit Menu and the audio Sample on a track in the Audio Mix Menu, mute the Storyboard audio, return to the Storyboard in the Video Edit Menu, go into the Titling Menu, Scene, Ok.

This will give a Scene of the Storyboard with the newly adjusted right/left channel audio in place of the original unadjusted audio.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Re: Audio question

Post by flvideo »

Cool Tim I shall try that tomorrow. I have never run accross that before. He said he shot with a headset but if he had, you would think he would have heard what was going on. Thats always a problem at a race track. The cars make so much noise that they drown out the PA. I sometimes cut the nat sound so low you can't hardly hear it. I guess thats better than having it too high. Thanks Bob...
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