Part TWO

For all those great, but off-Casablanca-editing, topics
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Part TWO

Post by Franklinbencosme »

Hey Tim, I agree with your comments, in other time BB was much more interactive, as David Slone, in his time as president of MSUs, naturally replied to any concerns about Casablanca, it was a time when he had a telephone operator BOULDER, when you call to buy, or product information, swe sent to the extension in question, wowww ! Dave go and MSUs had lost a lung ,from that time recall by mail all the explanations provided by Jorg (CEO), as many of MSUs cliestes expressed concern over what hapend.

I great person come to MSus, Chet Davis! ! woww my prediction that MS was in decline, were halted because the minds of Chet rallied again, then another great person is removed from the TEAM! Birdy wowww, it's another part of the staff, which were the reasons hapend he was a big part of MSus

Then Chet Davis was gone, they Name Eric Floor (ex-ceo of Draco), good or not to think or say, the last time I saw him was in MGT-2009, today in 2010 where is ERIC??...going around the world again???... :o

This story is what has happened and what needs to happen is only a brief summary that I have personally noticed THROUGH time (11years), is very sad, we still pray that those who are in Boulder (excellent people), not going, because if this happens the ship will sink ..

Thanks ...Franklin
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