HDV to SDV Conversion

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HDV to SDV Conversion

Post by DarrelCharest »

Some time ago I read about a procedure for down converting HD to SD, but I didn't print it and now I can't remember the specific steps or even if I could understand them.

They went something like this:

Load HDV video by firewire into the editor (S-4100). When this is done reload the video back into the camera down converting to SDV while doing so.

Now once again reload the video into the S-4100, now SDV, as a SD project.

I can't remember whether the edit was to be completed in HDV or SDV or even if it mattered.

I also have a Sony AVCHD camera that records to a hard drive. And I don't remember reading any comments about this HDV format to SDV.

Obviously the HDV to SDV down conversion is not as simple as described above or I might have had some
chance of storing it away in my diminishing brain cells.


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Re: HDV to SDV Conversion

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Darrel,

The desire or need to down-convert (from HDV>SD) is only a consideration if you need/desire to edit in HDV, possibly delivering an HD product and at the same time also provide your audience/client with an SD version (SD DVD) of the finished piece as well. If this is not a consideration, you could shoot in HDV, edit in SD (with the camera down-converting the footage into an SD project initially).

But, assuming you are editing in HD -- and wish to provide an SD version on DVD, you would edit/finish the video. Then export as an HDV signal via firewire to your HDV camera.

Change the camera settings to 'export SD' (the camera will do the down-conversion) and set-up an SD (16:9) project in your Casablanca editor. Import via DV/Firewire and 'the rest is history' (author your DVD as an SD project).

Hope that helps!

Chet Davis
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Re: HDV to SDV Conversion

Post by DarrelCharest »

Thanks Chet,


Where the inspiritation for "American the Beautiful" was born.
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