Disk Transfer

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Disk Transfer

Post by KeithWiggers »

I tranferred several scenes to three different DVD-RWs. Two discs have one scene each, 16 and 18 minutes long. The third disc has two scenes, about 5 and 10 mintes each. I set it to type 2.

I then inserted another HD in a different tray into the SOL, tried to "Read Disc" in Arabesk. The message says that it "cannot read a disc not burned in Arabesk" (or something quite close to that).

I can play the scenes on my laptop (PC).

I have done this before, but it has been a while. Am I missing a step? (I hope)

Or, could this be the problem? The HD that I copied from has OS 8.1 and Arabesk 4.1e. The HD that I am trying to copy to, has OS 8.0 and Arabesk 4.0c.
Backward compatible issues?


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Re: Disk Transfer

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Keith,

Clarification is needed to provide a solid answer -- the 'Type 2' selection for Disk-Transfer format (made in the Settings menu in Arabesk) only affects data that is burned to DVD using the Disk Transfer Export option (which only allows ±20:00 video). To bring that footabe back 'into' your Casablanca you use the 'Disk Transfer' function found under 'New' in the Edit Menu. If you burned a DVD using Arabesk, then that's when you would use Ksebara (also found under New in the Edit Menu) to bring the footage back into a project for further editing. The Type 1 or 2 setting does not affect a disk burned using Arabesk.

Chet Davis
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Re: Disk Transfer

Post by KeithWiggers »

Thanks Chet. You are PROMPT! I set it to Type 2 so that I could read it on the PC if I decided later that I wanted to use the video there. I don't plan to.

I had forgetten to go to New in edit. I do remember now doing that in the past! "Whew, that'll solve it!", I thought! :|

However, I just tried that. In Edit, went to New, Kesabra, Import, Display Contents, and,-- nothing happens - thus, I cannot select any titles (scenes).

I can hear the disc drive rev up just a little when I hit Display Contents, but only for a few seconds.

So I guess I am still perplexed, but for a different, and maybe more vexing, reason. I tried it with all three discs, which includes the one that for sure works in the PC.

If the different OS and Arabesk could be a problem, I suppose that I could do a non-destructive install of the upgrades. I usually upgrade only when I plan to do a destructive upgrade and start all fresh.

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Re: Disk Transfer

Post by CasablancaExpert »


If you burned/exported these scenes using Disk Transfer Export - you need to select/use the Disk Transfer function under the New Button in Edit menu.... _not_ Ksebara.

Ksebara is only for media that was created in Arabesk, not Disk Transfer (apologies if I have/am misunderstanding you).

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Disk Transfer

Post by KeithWiggers »

:oops: :oops: :oops:

You are too fast Chet. I was in the middle of replying when you just sent your 2nd reply.

I fixed myself a cup of tea and sat down and methodically (I thought I did the first time) went step by step. Yes, I did miss one (Man I hate that), and it is happily importing the scens now.

Thanks once again Chet for pointing the way..., and for your patience. I really did work on this for a while before I jumped here. I like to save this forum for more complicated issues.

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