I'm a complete hobbyist, with no understanding of equipment to speak of. I own a fifteen year old Sony PD150 (a standard def digital cam), and a ten year old Kron that I edit on. Other than that, I know nothing about equipment I know even less about what people in the video industry are doing and buying.
I was watching some exercise videos this week on YouTube and the room and the lady's face and body were remarkably well lit. The camera panned around and in the picture you suddenly see the two or three tripod lights. These are obviously professional lights just from the look ... classy tripod and those lights with the side flip panels that say "professional lighting".
For my hobby shoots, I've always used two 1200 watt Home Depot tripod shop lights. I think they were about $25 a piece, so I'm getting 2400 watts of light for $50. Except for one blown bulb, they've lasted years now.
Now my finished DVDs never look as bright as this exercise lady did, but I just assume that's because her studio had even more wattage than I do and probably an overhead light as well.
Question: What on earth is the difference between cheapie Home Depot shop lights versus these professional lights that motivates industry guys to pay so much more for them?
I spent pennies compared to these pro lights.
The bulbs are pretty much the same, aren't they? Or is this some special kind of light?
Where is the value in paying so much more?