Casablanca Liberty video extraction attempt - Grey Screen

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Casablanca Unit: Casablanca Liberty

Casablanca Liberty video extraction attempt - Grey Screen

Post by ninthstreet »


I've been handed a Casablanca Liberty system running the MacroSystem Smart Edit OS alongside of Windows. The former owner had passed on, but before doing so finished editing a preface to a film and it is my task to recover the preface. I do not know how the system works exactly, only that the partition of the HD dedicated to the Smart Edit OS does not seem to be readable from the Windows side.

When I turn the device on (a Toshiba Portégé laptop), it gives me the choice between the Windows and the Smart Edit OS. If I choose the Smart Edit OS, it flashes to a black screen with a prompt icon, then immediately to a grey screen. Does anyone who knows how these systems work have any advice on how I may either log in to the Smart Edit OS and retrieve the video file, or recover it another way?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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