Slide show added to video?

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:08 am
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca Studio Pro (unable to use with latest software) The old reliable S6000 still working and using till Studio Pro works. Avio DVD, IMac, Panasonic AG-AC30, 3 Panasonic AG-UG90 last Bogart software and Arabesk release
Location: Methuen, MA

Slide show added to video?

Post by methuenbill »

Can a slide show from Power point be added to a video?
Can a slide show from youtube be added?
Posts: 841
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:34 am
Casablanca Unit: S3000, S4000 PRO, Renommee Plus

Re: Slide show added to video?

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Bill,

Two different questions below - will address separately...
methuenbill wrote:Can a slide show from Power point be added to a video?
Yes, you just need to export that as a file that your Casablanca will accept. You can export the slides separately as JPEG files or (depending on the version of PowerPoint you are using) you could export the finished presentation as a movie (video). I have a tutorial on this process here: .

I also have a webinar titled 'PowerPoint for Video Producers' - will follow-up and post that link later today.
Can a slide show from youtube be added?
Yes, but if it's on YouTube it's no longer a Slide Show (or PowerPoint presentation) - as you know, it's a video.
So you need to download, extract or save that video and then import that file into your Bogart editor. Folks in our community have several different software/freeware programs they prefer for this - I have one as well. Am producing a video tutorial in fact this week on this process, which will be available via the Members Newsletter coming out at the end of this week.

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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