Arabesk Quirkiness

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Arabesk Quirkiness

Post by KimSWilliamson »

Greetings All!

I wonder if members would be willing to put together a list of tips for the little quirks of the Arabesk program. I learn from purusing different message topics, such as one recent one as to why films have a glitch while loading into Arabesk " Arabesk doesen't like audio that goes into the red" which was useful lto me.

So, anyone care to help out us who are just using the basics of Arabesk and don't know how to "get around" its limits and sensitivies?

I have Renommee and I think 6.4 OS, or whatever is just before the OS7.

Thanks everyone. I am so impressed by the knowledge of all MS users. :)

Kim S. Williamson
Blue Goose Productions
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