s6000 problem

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Posts: 58
Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:00 pm
Casablanca Unit: s4000 pro

s6000 problem

Post by johno »

our s6000 has a problem or two. can't turn off by pushing the power button and i'm trying to install new software and nothing shows up on the monitor and the fron light blinks. any suggestions. thanks
Posts: 318
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:45 am
Casablanca Unit: Studio Pro OS B4W V9
S6000 OS Bogart SE V9
Solitaire OS V9.1

Programs:- Most of the standard operating programs.
Location: Kingston upon Hull England

Re: s6000 problem

Post by IanPearson »

Just to the right of the front USB sockets, there is a small reset button, just gently press this using a pencil point or some other implement.
This will restart your S6000, although you may lose some of you latest editing work.
Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
Posts: 634
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:05 am
Casablanca Unit: Saphir B4W v9, S4000 Pro Bogart v9, Arabesk v7, Render Booster, Canon HF100, Prestige SE v9.1.
Location: London, England.

Re: s6000 problem

Post by MichaelD »

It's 'possibly' trying to display on another screen/output if it's Bogart you're trying to update :(

Can you connect something else up to it :?:

Alternatively using the re-set button (suggested by Ian) try using the "v" key during boot up, just after the beep(s) to change the S6000's output . . .
Posts: 433
Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:13 am
Casablanca Unit: B4 WINDOWS main edit system S-6000 as BACKUP and old tapes edit
Location: Dominican Republic

Re: s6000 problem

Post by Franklinbencosme »

Johno get ready for a FULL INSTALL :oops: this happen to me 3 times and all my work was gone :o but after
5.5c my s-6000 is more stable,a few crash during editing,always try to BACKUP this will make you a better
sleeping editor !

Good luck !
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