Season Greetings from MacroSystem Americas LLC

Your source for the latest official information from MacroSystem US
Posts: 1108
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:27 pm
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca 4 Studio Pro, Studio, Touch, Travel 2, Sapphire, Ultra, TV Studio 2, Portable TV Studio, and Titanium TV Studio. Bogart 10 Windows Desktops - Laptop -Tablet - Karat - S-6000 - S4100- Dell XPS 8930 with Intel i7-9700 CPU, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 GPU, and 16Mb RAM. JVC GY-HD100U - JVC BR-HD50U - CANON HV20 - SONY AX33 4K
Location: Blaine, WA

Season Greetings from MacroSystem Americas LLC

Post by garymcnally »

Season Greetings Cassie Enthusiasts!

Sorry for the delay in writing! We have been busy with a slew of new killer products, which we didn’t get finished this year.

We checked with our 12 Value Added Resellers, and many of them are staying around for the Holidays, and working the work days in-between the holidays. Se we decided to do a last-minute end of year sale, so you can have some more cool tools, stocking stuffers, and tax write-offs. Our VAR’s in these states will be open: Rhode Island (18th to 22nd and the 26th-31st), New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, Florida, and Arizona. The others may too, we just didn’t hear back from them in 24 hours. Click here for the VARs

The biggest Tax Write-Offs are the Casablanca 4 Turn-Key Editing Systems. They all come with a good set of software, but until New Year’s Eve, they come with any two software titles of choice. This is worth up to $499. Order early enough this week, and it could ship this week, and next week for sure. The 8 new models start at $2299 and go up to $5499, and we offer trade-ins as well. Click here:

Last but not least, Bogart 9 for Windows or the Standalones is 20% OFF through New Year’s Eve, and Arabesk 7 as well. You can read all about its features, advantages, and benefits here, and watch the video: ... _Linux.php

Bogart WinPro is coming early next year and runs on Bogart Windows 9. It speeds up many tasks extensively: Import, decoding, encoding, circular aperture, wipe, soft aperture, double exposure, color bezel, crossfade, hide, fade-in, image corrections, color corrections, zoom, and MX Creator (new add-on SW).

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

Gary McNally

MacroSystem Americas LLC
Gary McNally

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