Is one of my Blu Ray burners going bad?

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Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:30 am
Casablanca Unit: Travel 2 running Win Bogart 12. Karat, running Bogart 10.6, S-4000pro running Bogart 5.5c, Render Booster
Location: St. Louis, MO USA

Is one of my Blu Ray burners going bad?

Post by Christopher6206 »

I have a project that for reasons I won't go into, need 3 thumbnails on the main menu, for different parts of the project/storyboard. I created the Blu Ray disc in Arabesk and burned a copy on Blu Ray. The first thumbnail when selected, plays the video poorly. Lots of pixels, colored lines, the player is struggling. Skipping ahead in the chapters, freezes up the player. Tried another player and my PC, same result. Cleaned the disc, same result. But the other 2 thumbnails play just fine. Chapter button skips ahead every 5 min just like it is supposed to. I tried another disc, same thing. I tried previewng the disc in Arabesk and it looked great all the way through. So then I tried using the other burner by unchecking the box in "settings", then install product, and "prefer 2nd blu Ray drive" (why is this button here, and here only?) The disc played perfectly. Then I tried making 2 discs at once and sure enough, the disc in Blu Ray 2 was bad and the disc in Blu Ray 1 was good. Is my burner number 2 going bad? If so why the same error in the same place everytime? Shouldn't it be throughout the disc? I'm going to try the same thing, with the same project, with an SD copy on DVD. I'll post results when I can. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
Chris Crawford
Travel 2, running Bogart 12, All software
Karat with Bogart 10.3 , Arabesk 7
S-4000 Pro with Bogart 5.5c, Render Booster, most software
Panasonic AG-AC 160, Sony NEX-VG900, Sony NXCAM - NX30U
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Casablanca Unit: Casablanca-4 Saphir (i7-6700k)+ NVidia 1050T
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Casablanca-4 piccolo
Karat, S-4100, DVC-3000
Displays: 32" 1920x1080p50 + 40" 3840x2160p50
Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency, Dietach, Austria, Europe

Re: Is one of my Blu Ray burners going bad?

Post by mhuebmer »

Since no other information is given... I guess you are working with the Karat system, the only one with 2x internal drives. All other Casablanca-3 systems just have 1x internal drive any may use 1x external drive. And since not all systems have Arabesk (like the SL-1000 or the Streamcorder), the drive selection is done in Settings/System and not in Arabesk.

If one drive is burning "good" and the other one "bad", it's likely that this drive has some kind of problem. If a gear has a problem, there may be issues when burning a specific part of the disc (from inside to outside).

I would recommend to
  • use the latest BogartSE and Arabesk version (PAL / NTSC)
  • tell us the drive Firmware version (in Arabesk / Misc / Drive-Info, first line on the right side will show the model BH...., firmware is below).
  • tell us the Media info of the disc you are burning
  • tell us the set burn speed (in Arabesk / Settings)
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