Solitare Plus help!

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:11 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee Fully Loaded OS 9
Prestige 80% Loaded OS 9
Prestige 40% Loaded OS 9
Cassie Classic DV
Canons XL1 XL2
Location: Branson, Mo.

Solitare Plus help!

Post by dvss4u »

Hello, I acquired 2 Solitaire Plus units recently, both have OS9, and I'm trying to revive them. I know how to check the Bios, and reset the Boot Order,
1. but I'm not sure the order. Also 2. when installing a new HDD do I need to create a ISO CD or data CD? and 3. do I need to have separate CDs for the All Software?
both units just come.up to the Solitaire screen and freeze. I also have 2 monitors hooked up incase they are in dual screen mode. any help will be greatly appreciated. I am working on them May 19th & 20th 2021. you can call me at
417-593-1052 Doug
Posts: 1352
Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:06 am
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca-4 Saphir (i7-6700k)+ NVidia 1050T
StudioPro + NVidia 1050Ti
Casablanca-4 piccolo
Karat, S-4100, DVC-3000
Displays: 32" 1920x1080p50 + 40" 3840x2160p50
Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency, Dietach, Austria, Europe

Re: Solitare Plus help!

Post by mhuebmer »

Double post... :roll: Has been answered here.
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