DVD Arabesk 4

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DVD Arabesk 4

Post by Jscroggs »

Hey all, I want to make a Dvd with the following: I have a trailer I want to play upon dvd insertion, then I want it to go to the main (and only) menu. I have 5 movies I want added to the main menu (a motion menu from some clips I made). I want the 5 movies in text and I want to be able to select any one and then return to main menu after playing.
Yes it sounds basic but I have no luck with the Arabesk 4! I can do all this in my pc but some of my movies are glitching and coming up with strange facts (one has a gray border around some scenes, like a picture border. It does this when dumped to tape from my Prestige but it's not there in the original footage!).
I can usually figure stuff out but I just can't get close to doing this. If anyone could walk me through it I'd appreciate it.
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Re: DVD Arabesk 4

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Here you go J,

You will actually need 6 films from 6 separate projects. The first one becomes your 'Trailer'.
1. Load your 6 films in, and you can select No Chapter Menu
(Film #1 is by default, your Trailer. If you need to switch them around, like if you want the 3rd film you loaded to be your first, click on 'Films, Chapter Menus' then click on the film you wish to promote to #1 and use the up/down arrows at the bottom right to make it so!)
2. On the Main Menu, click on 'Edit Menu'
3. go to 'Control' - select 'Trailer+Menu' and 'Individual Play'
4. In Background, select 'Type:Scene' and'Mode: Animated'. Click select and pick the 59-second sequence you wish to use as your menu background (click 'Audio' if you wish to also pull in the audio from that scene)
5. In Buttons, ensure that 'Start Movie' is the choice for each of the 5 films you have (click on each to check this setting). Since you said you only want the text/title of the movie, you would select ''Background-Stamp' from the Type menu here.
6. Make sure you have added 'Button Text' to each movie
7. Under Button Activation, I would advise setting the 'Highlighting' to 'Text only'
* You would also likely want to both the Button Border and Button Shadow to '0'.

Hope that helps!

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: DVD Arabesk 4

Post by Jscroggs »

Thanks, I will try this right now.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:02 am
Casablanca Unit: Prestige

Re: DVD Arabesk 4

Post by Jscroggs »

I think this might work. It's burning right now. Is there a way to add a second menu page with more movies? This is what I'm really after.
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