Quality slipping!

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Re: Quality slipping!

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Bob

Try to load your footage into the machine by firewire cable as well. (It should have come with your machine) and you could experience the amazing abilities of the auto split function what I spoke about a few monhts back. You will have so much more spare time you would love it. :D Running it out to DV Tape gives you the ability to split the footage AUTOMATICLY when you load it back in aswell it will reconize the cuts. So to make a highlight on the end of the season is much easier.If you are on Smart Edit 8 you could just put them after the auto split up on the storyboard or not your choice.
Jeantons Video Productions
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Location: Boston, MA

Re: Quality slipping!

Post by CKNewman »

No one has spoken um, written, those three little words yet.

Craig Newman
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Re: Quality slipping!

Post by jimmeeker »

Yes, Craig,

The external hard drive would certainly make it easier to categorize each class or race type for storage until the end of the season, and keep them in original digital condition on separate hard drives. Then when you needed that footage again you edit in great quality and put out a highlight version and burn a sellable DVD from that.

I have just read this entire thread from beginning to end and get the impression that some think that Casablanca is the only editor that compresses information when it encodes for a DVD. This of course is certainly not true. All systems that burn DVDs no matter who makes them....compress to the MPEG 2 standard of compression....not just MacroSystem.

Disc transfer however uses a blank DVD to burn information in the original digital quality therefore only having enough space for 20 minutes.....where as a compressed DVD in MPEG 2 will store 120 minutes. The difference of course is the compression.

Ksebara is Arabesk spelled backwards.
That is just what it does. It does just the reverse of Arabesk. It takes a encoded compressed signal from a DVD and puts it back into the scene bin of your casablanca and allows you to re-dit it and then put things together differently. This would help in re-editing for a highlight reel.

In Arabesk there is a "READ" button that merely reads the entire DVD for copying and will not allow you to re-edit or change titles or audio....it just allows making a straight copy.

So there are many choices for creating your Highlight offerings, it's just a matter of what equipment you have and which seems easier to you.
Jim Meeker
The Old Timer

Founder of the
"March Get Together"

We Remember
12-7-41 and 9-11-01
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Re: Quality slipping!

Post by Jeanton »

I don't know much about an external harddrive on the Cassie 2 systems. I do now run HD-Backup on the bogart system thats why I didn't mention it.
HD-Backup has it's limitations as you can't access all your saved projects randomly for the use of making a highlights video but I can work with it as it is.
The only thing I can think of is the Store and Share software but don't know if it is written for the cassie 2 machines.
Or Bob could pick out the crashes and bit's and pieces every week and clip-board it to a project called 2010 highlights and keep it there for editing on the end of the year that would save some time. :D

Just my thoughts on this.
Jeantons Video Productions
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1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl. flvideo50@hotmail.com

Re: Quality slipping!

Post by flvideo »

Hey Jeanton
Thats a Very good Idea Jean. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I have severly projects dedicated to things like that now. I have, Backgrounds, Church weekly, track weekly I'll just make a Hi-light project. For 2009 I had 69 minutes of crashes and spins. That wouldn't take up that much space. I have a firewire ready to hook up when I get a minute. I am also going to investigate ksebara to see if I can import DVD footage from there. I was at a friends studio an hour or so ago and he was editing some footage in HD. I am jealous! That looked so good I couldn't believe it. What does HD look like when its down converted to SD? Bob, my friend, uses Sony HD cameras. I am not sure the model but they are relitivly cheap. I need to start making a little more money before I can cosider HD. I think I have decided that I am going to dump the edited footage of each class all year long and then it will be preserved in DV. Then all I'll have to do is dump those in the Cassie and arrange them burn them. And you are right Jeanton I have mountain of DV tape to do tyhat with. How many times do you reuse your tapes? I have been recycleing some on my B-Roll cameras and it seems to be working fine. Again thanks guys. Bob...
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Re: Quality slipping!

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Bob

I keep reusing my tapes over and over again until I found signs (drop outs) of destress than I will throw them out. Mind you I do use Sony Pro tapes and all of the same brands to prevent wear and tear on the video heads as different brands have different tension and run at different speed .
As I said before load your footage in by Firewire from now on, it's so good and you don't have to manually split the footage (saves alot of time).
Also if you can't fit your footage on one tape put a cut in it and put a coloured scene with a staight cut in between the footage and record till there on one tape and record the remainder on the other tape. After reloading the footage, that scene will show up clearly in the scene bin or storyboard and can be taken out very easily. If you are not sure about Auto split just have a play arround with 10 mins of footage on an empty project and you will love the results and you will say "I can't believe I haven't done this earlier".
Jeantons Video Productions
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1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl. flvideo50@hotmail.com

Re: Quality slipping!

Post by flvideo »

Hey Jean
Good evening. I just got home from a race and am taking the time to put up a u-tube piece. As I remember the reason I choose to use the S video wire was something to do with audio that wasn't available using firewire and what ever it was I liked it. I can't rember what it was for the life of me. OLD AGE!!! I am in a extremely busy time right now but when I get a minute I am going to try the firewire and the ksebara. I think instead of putting the whole program on DV I will put the edited classes on, each class with its own tape. THat'll make the class video's a snap at the end of the year and they will be as good as they are all year. I am also going to put the spins and crashes on a project and leave them all year. I may have to buy another 33GB drive but I'll have god quality hi-lite and class dvd's. Thank You for your advise. This forum is great. Bob...
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Location: Myakka City, Fl. flvideo50@hotmail.com

Re: Quality slipping!

Post by flvideo »

Jean Check this out. I shot this tonight. I got home early well early for me and I thought I'd put this up. Bob..

Posts: 604
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:56 am
Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector
Location: Boston, MA

Re: Quality slipping!

Post by CKNewman »

I may have to buy another 33GB drive ...
Wha... is that a typo :?:

You can use a very large hard drive in a firewire enclosure for backup. I have a LaCie 500 gig drive for backup from my Kron+.
Craig Newman
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1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl. flvideo50@hotmail.com

Re: Quality slipping!

Post by flvideo »

Yeah Craig, thats a typo. You caught me. I meant 300 GB. Bob..
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