Audio Glitch

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Audio Glitch

Post by GrahamJones »

Working on a 50-minute project, finished all the video and I was just adding the final audio – a number of voice-over clips. I had recorded these (as one track) onto a CD, which I then imported into my Solitaire and then split into individual clips. Generally, I add five or six clips, trim them and correct the levels, etc and then play the relevant section of the film, to make sure it sounds OK in total.
After doing this a few times, the film wouldn’t play and the cursor was frozen. Not an uncommon event.
I switched off the machine, then when I switched it back on I got a message saying “All projects may have corrupted audio files!” I clicked the only available button (marked ‘OK’, which is a bit ironic), got back into the project to find that the recently added audio clips had disappeared. And when I played the film, there was a very high-pitched whistle, together with the first few syllables of the lost audio clip, where the lost clips used to be. I can’t delete these, because the audio channel is empty.
I am sure that the imported audio was clean – I recorded it with a good mic into a good mixer, and there was no trace of over-modulation. The clips are still in the audio recording bin, and they play without a problem.
Anyone got any ideas?
All the best,
S4100, Bogart 5, DVD Arabesk 5 with Render Booster, PhotoStudio 2, Motion Pefect, PiPStudio 2, Twixtor, Deshaker
Canon XM2,Panasonic HDC-SD700, Apple i-Mac
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Re: Audio Glitch

Post by HansJoachimKoenig »

Hi Graham,
when you had the frozen cursor, how did you switch off?
Hans-Joachim König
Berlin / Germany
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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:04 pm
Casablanca Unit: S4100 with BR. Two Samsung 933HD tvs, one acting as VGA
Location: Berkshire, U.K.

Re: Audio Glitch

Post by GrahamJones »

Hello Hans-Joachim,
Turned it off on the front panel of the machine (kept a finger on the power button until it dies away)
S4100, Bogart 5, DVD Arabesk 5 with Render Booster, PhotoStudio 2, Motion Pefect, PiPStudio 2, Twixtor, Deshaker
Canon XM2,Panasonic HDC-SD700, Apple i-Mac
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