Border Problem on Transitions

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Re: Border Problem on Transitions

Post by DaleVenvertloh »


I am on NTSC. After experimenting with many different settings on the Prestige and on the S-4100, the problem appears to be resolved by applying the Black Border function while the video is still in the Prestige and then transferring the "Black Border Video" by Firewire to the S-4100. I wanted to apply the Black Border after it was in the S-4100 (because it would be a faster process) but when I tried to apply the Black Border in the S-4100 the aspect ratio of the video kept changing back and forth after transitions. I looked at several DVD's of the videos that I had previously burned and it appears that the "border problem on the transitions" occurred only when the TV was at a particular setting. For example, I tested a DVD on a Samsung 52" flat screen and the problem only occurred when the TV was set to "Screen Fit" . . . the problem did not show on the screen when the TV was set to "16 x9" or "Wide Fit" or "4x3". I also looked at the DVD's on a 19" Dynex and the problem was not visible after I changed one of the screen functions to "overscan." So I think the problem can be resolved by experimenting with the viewing options on a particular TV, but obviously I would prefer to have a video that would play without problems no matter how the TV is set.

In any event I thank all of you for your thoughts and suggestions and hopefully I will not encounter the problem on future projects.

Dale Venvertloh
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Re: Border Problem on Transitions

Post by TimKennelly »

Good to hear the Black Border helps in some way.

I am still curious on whether new footage input after you have made the changes of Large or Full prevents the problem going forward.

It sounds like all experiments are on footage input previous to changing the Image size.

On top of that I would recommend having the System Setting "Black Border" checked simply to avoid potential issues on project screen and PC screen playback.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: Border Problem on Transitions

Post by DaleVenvertloh »


I tried changing the image size to both Large and Full on the Prestige and then inputting to the S-4100 but it did not solve the problem for me.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Dale Venvertloh
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Re: Border Problem on Transitions

Post by TimKennelly »


To be clear, I am saying that you have proven that in your case whether it's a bug or design fault changing the Image size with EXISTING footage does not fix the question.

My question is whether it does with footage input AFTER the Image size has been changed.

Not that that fixes your current problem, but if it proves to eliminate the problem for footage input after changing the setting would mean you could prevent the problem from reoccurring going forward.

Back to that ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure sort of thing.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:58 pm
Casablanca Unit: S-4100

Re: Border Problem on Transitions

Post by DaleVenvertloh »


I will only be using the S-4100 for inputting footage from this point on and it is my intent to use the large or full setting on that machine, so hopefully I will not have this problem going forward.


Dale Venvertloh
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